Releases: LocusAzzurro/Ultramarine
Releases · LocusAzzurro/Ultramarine
Version 0.5.0
Now for Minecraft 1.20.1 and Forge 47.4.0
- More Slab, Stair and Wall variants
- Varnished Rosewood
- Varnished Rosewood, Mangrove and Cherry Wooden Brackets
- Blue and White Porcelain Upgrade Template for new Smithing mechanic
- Now Ultramarine items can sometimes be found in suspicious gravel in Trail Ruins.
- Added Jade integration to show additional information in HUD for some blocks: Mallet toggleable blocks, Brick Kiln container and progress, Censer remaining incense time and potions in Bottle Gourd.
- Rosewood Windows, Doors and Panels are now crafted with Varnished Rosewood.
Version 0.4.0
- Ebony Bed
- Block Particles: Roof Tiles, Xuan Paper, Old Xuan Paper, Blue and White Porcelain, Bronze
- Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasty Fangxin, Gutou and Zhaotou wooden blocks, complete with recipes.
- Jade Blocks can now be used as Beacon base block.
- Changed texture of Bronze Block to be more similar to vanilla Copper Block.
Full Changelog: 0.2.1...0.4.0
Fixed placing Icicle/Large Icicle on top of a block causing NPE crashing server.
Full Changelog: 0.2.0...0.2.1
Version 0.2.0
Decorative Blocks
- Red Lantern Streetlight and Hanging Red Lantern Streetlight
- Small Red Lantern can be used to increase lantern count
- Streetlight Pole
Block Side Decorative Blocks
- Icicle and Large Icicle
- Couplets and Couplet Top
- Fu Mark
Functional Blocks
- Brick Kiln
- Chisel Table
- Dye Powder
- Crafted with dye items with 1 to 4 ratio.
- Bronze Ingot, Bronze Parts and Bronze Dust
- Brick Kiln Composite Smelting
- Using 2 types of ingredients.
- Chisel Table
- Use template, material and dye items to make blocks and items.
- Multiblock structure, place Brush and Inkstone on Porcelain Inlaid Table to access.
- Cyan Brick Wall(Crafting/Stonecutting)
- Brick Items(Smelting)
- Roof Tile Items(Composite Smelting)
- Roof Ridge Blocks(Crafting/Stonecutting)
- Single and Multi-color Carved Wood(Crafting/Woodworking/Chisel Table)
- Carved/Gilded Dark Oak(Crafting/Woodworking/Chisel Table)
- Pillars(Crafting/Stonecutting/Chisel Table)
- Fangxin and Fangxin Edge Blocks(Chisel Table)
- Rafters(Crafting/Woodworking/Chisel Table)
- Beam Heads(Woodworking)
- Architrave Blocks(Woodworking/Chisel Table)
- Queti and Gualuo(Crafting/Woodworking/Stonecutting)
- Caihua and Patterns(Crafting/Chisel Table)
- Chuihua(Crafting)
- Roof Charms(Crafting/Stonecutting)
- Ceiling(Crafting)
- Railing(Crafting/Woodworking/Stonecutting)
- Guardian Lions and Monolith(Crafting/Woodworking/Stonecutting)
- Bookshelves(Woodworking)
- Study decoration blocks(Crafting)
- Food Hamper(Crafting)
- Icicle and Large Icicle(Stonecutting)
- Couplets and Couplet Top(Crafting)
- Fu Mark(Crafting)
- Porcelain Inland Table(Crafting)
- Dye Powders(Crafting)
- Chisel Templates(Stonecutting)
- Bronze Parts and Bronze Dust(Stonecutting)
- Added Hematite, Magnesite and Jade trades to Mason.
- Added Bronze Ingot trade to Toolsmith.
- Added Polished Rosewood Plank and Polished Ebony Plank trades to Farmer.
- Added Xuan Paper trade to Librarian.
- Added Fruit/Vegetable Basket trades to Cook, who now also buys food items for emeralds.
- Added Incense, Silk, Jade, Painted Scroll and Blue and White Porcelain Vase rare trades to Wandering Trader.
- Added JEI interation.
- Added integration for Woodworking, Composite Smelting and Chisel Table recipes.
- Added TOP integration.
- Roof Tile blocks now have snowy state.
- Maxinum of 15 levels of snowy state, increased when snow falls on block, will attempt to accumulate snow to a lower block when multiple Roof Tile blocks are connected.
- Side snow display auto-updates when block update occur.
- Snowballs can be used to add snow layers, shovels can be used to remove snow layers.
- Roof Ridge blocks now have snowy state.
- Maxinum of 15 levels of snowy state, increased when snow falls on block. Snow Layer will not form on top of the block when there are less than 15 snow layers.
- Snowballs can be used to add snow layers, shovels can be used to remove snow layers.
- ID of Wooden Mallet changed from "wooden_hammer" to "wooden_mallet".
- ID of Red and Blue Carved Wood changed from wrong "blue_and_white_carved_wood" to "blue_and_red_carved_wood".
- Changed the texture of dust and part items.
- Disabled the automatic height correction on placement feature for some decorative blocks.
- Rebalanced some trades, including price, awarded xp and max uses.
- Fixed some blocks not having collision box. (#20)
- Fixed Marble Railing incorrect connetion. (#31)
- Fixed Carved Stone Beam model not centered. (#24)
- Fixed some blocks incorrectly culling adjancent block sides. (#23)
GitHub Changelog
Full Changelog: 0.1.0...0.2.0
Version 0.1.0
First Public Beta release containing about 500 items and blocks ready to be used.
Contents are subject to change and may become incompatible with future versions.