Super basic path tracer written using the Ray Tracing in One Weekend guide. Initially written around October 2020, with tweaks as late as May 2021, as of the initial commit.
3111 spp with no denoising
12103 spp with no denoising
Also my very first path tracer, so there are some weird quirks, but it's still interactive, multithreaded, features (bad) image denoising thanks to OIDN, and can make some nice stuff if you let it sit for a while.
Also HDR tonemapped. You can adjust exposure using the square bracket keys.
- WASDQE: Move camera
- Arrow keys: Rotate camera
- Brackets: Adjust exposure
- Backslash: Reset exposure
- Comma/period: Adjust pixel scale
- X: Set 1x pixel scale
- Z: Set 8x pixel scale
- P: Toggle "progressive" mode (with it disabled, the program will only display 1 spp)
- O: Toggle image denoising
Debug mode has parallelism disabled.
To run the app you have to obtain OIDN, set the OIDN_DIR environment variable to its installation directory, and then make sure the program can load the libraries on startup, usually by putting them in a search path, or, if on Windows, copying the dlls to the same dir as the exe, because Windows is stupid.