- A messaging app simulator
- An independent project to test and showcase my understanding of technical skills that are essential in software/web development
- Use these 2 test accounts (Username: Test, Password: 123456), (Username: Test1, Password: abc123) in 2 SEPARATE browsers (one browser can only handle one user login)
- Otherwise if you want, you can create 2 new accounts, however browsers must still be separate
- Select a user to chat with (from the chat list or new messages), just like in Telegram
- Sometimes loading of content or logging in might be a bit slow, so just be patient
- NOTE: You might not be able to log out when pressing the sign out button due to some deployment issues in Vercel, simply refresh the webpage and you will be logged out
- A login page with authentication processes (trying to abuse the URL (appending /chat/[username] to the URL) to login illegally will send you back to the page you are currently on)
- Create a new account page
- New messages button to create new chats with other users
- Contact list with latest message sent/received featured with chat deletion button
- Input and send message box and message list for the selected chat
- Change password
Next.js, React.js, MongoDB, Typescript, Javascript, Tailwind CSS, UI/UX