This project does not get updated any more, the reason is i made $50 on it for 8 months, while other devs stole it and resold it and made over $100.000, I will not update it again so do not ask me. To the bot community, i will never release a tool again for you guys, i was the creator of massviewer and this.. and still i never got anything out of it except for more protection from IG because it was sold the the masses.. So nextpost, ektor and fuck you guys. (Also fuck you instabot for trying to steal my project over to your own repo and fuck you Daniel for trying to DMCA claim this repo because I used your free framework!)
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Instabotai is an instagram bot with face detection that uses the undocumented Web API. Instabotai can reupload photo to feed, reupload photo to stories, watch stories, comment, like and DM users if a face is detected on image. Unlike other bots, Instabotai does not require Selenium or a WebDriver. Instead, it interacts with the API over simple HTTP Requests. It runs on most systems.
- Python 3.7+ 64bit
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Update 3
- (Only required for Windows Users)
- Like Users Following Images with AI
- Like Users Followers Images with AI
- Like Hashtag Images AI
- Follow User Followers AI
- Follow User Following AI
- Unfollow non-followers
- Repost Users Images With AI
- Comment Multiple hashtags AI
- Watch Infinity Stories by user
- Like Hashtag Images AI
- Multibot
Python 3.7+ 64bit - - Enable ADD TO PATH (Only required for Windows Users)
git clone or Click Download Above
cd instabotai
pip3 install -U pip
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
If you only want to use CLI run:
python3 -u username -p password
git clone
docker build .
docker image ls
sudo docker run -ti -p 8000:8000 YOURIMAGEID
[On Linux You need to change the line 652 to before building docker]
If your system does not support tensorflow 2.0.
Delete mtcnn folder
Download it trough pip: pip install mtcnn
Open in your browser
Works on all browsers without extensions!
Make the bot work remote from GUI: To make the bot work remote with GUI, you need to open port 8000 on your router. Then when you are running the bot with python you will be able to access the GUI from yourip:8000
To install tensorflow on your system without pip.
Pacman -S tensorflow
Disclaimer: This is not affliated, endorsed or certified by Instagram. This is an independent and unofficial API. Strictly not for spam. Use at your own risk