This is a project for the Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia University for the Control lecture that helps the students to learn more about the digital PID control, and gives the oportunity to explore another new control laws since the project allows the communication via USB with Matlab, Python, Arduino Monitor, etc.
This project can be seen as a control plant, were the main objective is to control the vertical position of the unicel ball with the pneumatic force efectuaded by the CPU FAN
- Internal PID for the control of the ball
- External communication with USB (USB C Port), allowing the user implement another control law with Python or Matlab
- Manual control with the encoder on the top of the project
This project has two main electronic boards each with it's own STM32F411CEU6, the main board is called Motherboard, and the slave board it's called Daughterboard
- Control the communication with the USB device
- Handler of the internal PID
- Controls the FAN
- Receives the power and redistributes to the system
- Has an EEPROM memory for the non-volatile data
- Communication with Daughterboard via UART @ 921600 B/s
- Communicates and processes the distance sensor (VL53L0X)
- Reports the errors with a led system
- Interface and debounce the user buttons
- Interface and incremental encoder that is used as a user interface
- Communication with Daughterboard via UART @ 921600 B/s
- Indicates the with leds the control modes
- Works as a GPU with the LCD TFT Display via SPI @ 4MHz
- Displays all the content of the GUI with a library called μGUI and this fork for the LCD Adaption on STM32
Memory Consumption @ Release v0.1.0 Not dynamic memory allocation used at the moment (excluding the heap)
- RAM -> 40.94%
- FLASH -> 27.32%
- RAM -> 60.71%
- FLASH -> 85.82%
All the threads are allocated statically
- Heap Size: 20KB
- Heap Usage: 24B (Memory pools not implemented yet)
Task Stack Priority Status TaskWdgM 1KB Realtime Enabled TaskModeManager 512B AboveNormal Disabled TaskPID 1KB AboveNormal Enabled TaskCOM 2KB High Enabled SubTaskUSB 4KB Normal Enabled SubTaskUART 1KB Normal Enabled TaskDiagAppl 512B Normal Disabled TaskLeds 256B AboveNormal Enabled TaskSensor 1KB AboveNormal Enabled TaskFAN 512B AboveNormal Enabled
- Heap Size: 15KB
- Heap Usage: 2.3KB
Task Stack Priority Status TaskIdle (Will be removed soon) 256B Low Enabled TaskUI 40KB(This can be reduced) Normal Enabled TaskLeds 256B BelowNormal Disabled TaskWdgM 512B Realtime Enabled TaskCOM 4KB AboveNormal Enabled TaskDiagAppl 512B Normal Enabled TaskGPUResMan 1KB AboveNormal Enabled TaskHMI 1KB High Enabled
- Hardware mentioned above
- STM32F411CEU6
- STLink Programmer
- STM32CubeIDE
- Software Architecture
- Software Components
- Version Control
- Tasks
- Preemptive algorithm
- Round Robin algorithm
- Data structures
- Stack overflow
- Heap
- Heap algorithms
- Concurrency
- Binary semaphore
- Queues
- Mutex
- Event Flags
- Dynamic Memory allocation
- Unions
- Structures
- _Generic Macro
- Variadic function like macros
- Function like macro
- Object like macro
- Variadic functions
- Switch compilers