👋 Hi, I’m @Lorenc1o, my name is Jose Antonio Lorencio Abril, and I am from Cehegín, Murcia, Spain 🇪🇸. I hold a Double Bachelor's degree in Mathematics 🔢 and Computer Science 💻 at the University of Murcia, for which I obtained the honorable mention for academic excellence.
I love the way Mathematics allows us to learn, discover and proof truths that will never change, and how these ideas can in many cases be applied to real world problems, connecting matters that are often seemingly unrelated.
I love how Computer Science help us to implement the mathematical concepts from the world of ideas into the natural, real world, solving important problems and improving people's life.
In the future, I want to continue this learning path, and the field in which I believe I can contribute the most with my work and ideas is Data Science. This is why I applied to the BDMA: Big Data Management and Analytics, an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's Degree coordinated by the ULB ( Université Libre de Bruxelles) and co-financed by the European Commission. At the moment, I have finished the first year of this Master's Degree, composed by:
- ULB (Brussels, 🇧🇪): Covered the basics of business intelligence, NoSQL databases, and data mining.
- UPC BarcelonaTech (Barcelona, 🇪🇸): Delved into big data technologies, graph databases, and machine learning.
- I attended the eBISS (European Business Inteligence and Big Data Summer School) and presented a poster about the State of the Art of the Transformer model.
- CentraleSupélec, Université Paris Saclay (Paris, 🇫🇷): Explored decision modeling, data visualization, graph analysis, and deep learning.
- Developing of the Master's thesis at AIT Austrian Institute of Technology (Vienna, 🇦🇹).
💡 What will you find in my github repositories?
- Class notes of several courses
- My Bachelor's theses
- Probably some programs (but probably not many, as if someone copies my course projects I could be in trouble!)
- Some short writings
- Whatever I am up to at the moment 😃
🌐 My personal website: lorenc1o.github.io
📫 How to reach me:
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lorencio-abril/
- email: joseantoniolorencio@gmail.com