Notification System done in React(Typescript) including a Queue System
This Project will be Open-Source because I want to share it so other people can have a Notification System together with an Queue System
It was made by me while i was working on our RP Project nowV.
Design Pattern: Atomic Design Methodology
The project uses yarn as an package-manager
It also includes stoybook to design/develop the notifications faster. The state managment for active notifications and queued notifications is made with mobx-state-tree
Installing the modules:
yarn install
or yarn
Build the Project:
yarn build
You will find the bundled files inside the build
If you want to play arround on the browser with the project, make a copy the environment.example.ts
file and change the surface string to browser
You can send a notifications from the server or the client:
client example
alt.emit('notify:sendMessage', {iconType: 0, title: 'notification', message: 'this is a notification send from the client', color: 'F88F01', width: 244, duration: 3000})
server example
alt.emitClient(player, 'notify:sendMessage', {iconType: 0, title: 'notification', message: 'this is a notification send from the client', color: 'F88F01', width: 244, duration: 3000})
Notification Color Types:
Name | Color |
Orange | #F88F01 |
Green | #03A65A |
Red | #FC2E20 |
You can add own color by passing your own HEX color. Dont pass them with the hash sign
Notification Icon Types:
Name | Number |
Fail | 0 |
Success | 1 |
Warning | 2 |
You can add more Notification-Icon-Types at your own inside the Project folder under:
Add them inside: src/components/atoms/Icon
inside the index.tsx file to the array at Line-16