CTF date: 25.11.2022
Duration: 24 hours
CTF Time: https://ctftime.org/event/1803
GlacierCTF 2022 was a 24-hour jeopardy-style CTF that was aimed at beginners and intermediate CTF players alike and is the first CTF organized by LosFuzzys.
GlacierCTF 2022 provided challenges in a variety of categories such as pwn, rev, web, crypto, and misc.
The 2022 Glacier CTF repository contains all challenges and solutions. A sincere thank you to all participants and the people who provided the challenges that made this CTF possible.
Congratulations to the top 5 teams:
- 🐧
- TU Delft CTF Team
- SIGPwny
- squ1rrel
- オラオラオラ!