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Date Range Filter

Joe edited this page Mar 26, 2023 · 8 revisions

Flatpickr Filter with a configurable Minimum/Maximum value, provides two values to the filter() function () in the form of an array. Date Range Filter Date Range Filter


Include the class after your namespace declaration

use LowerRockLabs\LaravelLivewireTablesAdvancedFilters\DateRangeFilter;

In the filters() function in your data table component:

DateRangeFilter::make('Created Date')
->filter(function (Builder $builder, array $dateRange) {
    $builder->whereDate('created_at', '>=', $dateRange['minDate'])->whereDate('created_at', '<=', $dateRange['maxDate']);

Configuration Options

Sensible defaults can be set within the configuration file. However, the following variables can be set on a per-filter basis. You can set as many or as few configuration options as you like, the remainder will be set to the default from the configuration file.

DateRangeFilter::make('Created Date')
    'altFormat' => 'F j, Y', // The date format to be displayed once a date is selected
    'ariaDateFormat' => 'F j, Y', // The date format to be displayed for screen-readers
    'dateFormat' => 'Y-m-d', // The date format to be returned for use in the filter
    'earliestDate' => '2022-01-01', // The earliest date permitted, this is not required
    'latestDate' => date('Y-m-d') // The latest date permitted, this is not required
->filter(function (Builder $builder, array $dateRange) {
    $builder->whereDate('created_at', '>=', $dateRange['minDate'])
    ->whereDate('created_at', '<=', $dateRange['maxDate']);


This utilises the Flatpickr library.

There are several options for utilising the Flatpickr library!

Option 1 - NPM

Install flatpickr

npm i flatpickr --save

Import flatpickr into your project's app.js

import flatpickr from "flatpickr";
import '../../node_modules/flatpickr/dist/flatpickr.min.css';

Ensure that the publishFlatpickrJS and publishFlatpickrCSS are both set to false in the config file.

        // Set to true if you need to include the Flatpickr JS
        'publishFlatpickrJS' => false,
        // Set to true if you need to include the Flatpickr CSS
        'publishFlatpickrCSS' => false,

Option 2 - Including Inline

Ensure that the publishFlatpickrJS and publishFlatpickrCSS are both set to true in the config file.

        // Set to true if you need to include the Flatpickr JS
        'publishFlatpickrJS' => true,
        // Set to true if you need to include the Flatpickr CSS
        'publishFlatpickrCSS' => true,

Option 3 - In your template

Ensure that the publishFlatpickrJS and publishFlatpickrCSS are both set to false in the config file.

        // Set to true if you need to include the Flatpickr JS
        'publishFlatpickrJS' => false,
        // Set to true if you need to include the Flatpickr CSS
        'publishFlatpickrCSS' => false,

Add both the CSS and JS files to your template. It is recommended that you use a static version in order that you can use an integrity check.


<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha256-GzSkJVLJbxDk36qko2cnawOGiqz/Y8GsQv/jMTUrx1Q=" crossorigin="anonymous">


<script src="" integrity="sha256-Huqxy3eUcaCwqqk92RwusapTfWlvAasF6p2rxV6FJaE=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

