This repository contains materials for the workshop Advanced Topics in R, offered by the Research Training Group "Statistical Modeling in Psychology" (SMiP).
Instructors: Martin Schnuerch & David Izydorczyk
The workshop consists of three parts:
- Introduction to Benchmarking & Profiling
- Introduction to Vectorization & the Power of C++ with Rcpp
- Introduction to Parallelization
The following code can be used to install the packages used in this workshop:
wanted.packages <- c("plyr", "tidyverse", "devtools", "tictoc", "benchmarkme", "bench", "data.table",
"profvis", "foreach", "doSNOW", "Rcpp", "doParallel")
# Check what packages need to be installed
new.packages <- wanted.packages[!(wanted.packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
# install the not yet installed but required packages and load them
if(length(new.packages)) install.packages(new.packages,dependencies = TRUE)
sapply(wanted.packages, require, character.only = TRUE)
You should also install Rtools (Windows), see here or here, or Xcode (Mac), see here and here (scroll down) for instructions.
Note: The workshop is based on R 4.0.5.