Uses an ESP32 to monitor temperature and humidity in the room, all datas stored in database. Automatically, the temperature and humidity are refreshed every minute. However, if you send a command via the serial monitor, the data will refresh immediately as well.
If you are using Arduino IDE you need change to other branch "CodeOneFolder", IDE don't support multiples files.
- ESP 32
- DHT 22 or DHT 11
- display oled
- protoboard
- Wifi
- you need configure your board, i'm using ESP32 Dev Module.
- download libs ( see next topic)
- configure your config.h using wifi password and it's name.
- connect wires
- upload project using .ino
- DHT sensor library
- Adafruit Unified Sensor
- Adafruit GFX Library
- Adafruit BusIO
- Adafruit SSD1306
- ArduinoHttpClient