The goal of this project is to create the simplest API possible and add on top of it the most complex and complete CI/CD pipeline while applying best practices and add everything that a serious project should have.
The project is intended to be used as a reference for other projects and as a starting point for my own project.
- A CI is performing static analysis with rubocop, brakeman and bundle-audit, run tests and check coverage. CI must be green for merging and deploying.
- Commits must follow the Conventional commits standard.
- Branch management is done with git flow (don't forget to git push origin --tags)
- Ruby version 3.0.0
- PostgresSQL with no password required in localhost (see external_files folder for an example of how to setup this)
- Redis installed locally
After cloning
to launch the testsrails c
to start a consolerails s
to start the server
Rvm with ruby version 3.0.0. (probably needs to run this
rvm group add rvm $USER; rvm fix-permissions system; rvm fix-permissions user
since rvm is usually total garbage) -
PostgresSQL with a
user having all access on athe_simple_api_production
database and using a password.- The password must be indicated in a non committed file
. - This file must also include a secret_key_base that you can generate with
rails secret
.production: database_password: <password> secret_key_base: <secret_key_base>
- The password must be indicated in a non committed file
Example of command for db since pgsql is a badly made as rvm:
sudo -u postgres psql
create user the_simple_api with password 'password';
alter role the_simple_api superuser createrole createdb replication;
create database the_simple_api_production owner the_simple_api;
user with write permissions on/var/www/html
and a public ssh key from which you hold the private key locally. -
A deploy key on the
user that allow pulling from the github repository. -
Nginx is installed. Two config files are necessary:
to place both in
. Templates are available inexternal_files
folders. -
Passenger is installed
Redis is installed
export production_server_ip=""
cap production setup
(to copy the secrets.yml file)cap production sidekiq:install
(install sidekiq service on server)cap production deploy
(to deploy master)
To use the API you need to use a JWT linked to a User. Which means you need to create a user first.
On development you can use the variable env DISABLE_AUTHENTICATION=true
when launching the server to disable all kind of authentication.
On production I advice to use Postman.
First post to
.form-data email valid email password valid password -
Then post to
with the email and password of the user you created (same payload). -
And under the tests tab on Postman while making the POST add this script:
const response = pm.response.json(); pm.environment.set("jwt_token", response.token);
(Be sure to have created a postman env)
Then for every other request you make, you can go to the Authorisation tab, choose type Bearer and write
in the token field
verb | Uri | actions |
GET | /users | index |
POST | /users | create |
GET | /users/:id | show |
PATCH | /users/:id | update |
PUT | /users/:id | update |
DELETE | /users/:id | destroy |
"email": (string following URI::MailTo::EMAIL_REGEXP),
"password": (string of at least 6 characters)
verb | Uri | actions |
GET | /authors | index |
POST | /authors | create |
GET | /authors/:id | show |
PATCH | /authors/:id | update |
PUT | /authors/:id | update |
DELETE | /authors/:id | destroy |
"name": (string of at least 3 characters)
verb | Uri | actions |
GET | /books | index |
POST | /books | create |
GET | /books/:id | show |
PATCH | /books/:id | update |
PUT | /books/:id | update |
DELETE | /books/:id | destroy |
"title": (string),
"page_count": (strictly positive integer),
"author_id": (id of an existing author),