This is my first attempt with Golang, so I trained myself with a porting of my Condition-builder in PHP.
Due the fact this is a try, feel free to help me to understand the basics of Go if when you see mistakes or best practice violations. Thanks.
Golconda stands for GOLang CONDition Aid: it gives you a simple help to build conditions for SQL queries. It supports params placeholder
this is a full example
package main
import (
type filters struct {
byId interface{}
byDateStart interface{}
byDateEnd interface{}
byEmail interface{}
func buildCondition(filters filters) (string, []interface{}) {
c := golconda.NewAnd()
golconda.IsEqual("id", filters.byId),
golconda.IsEqual("email", filters.byEmail),
golconda.IsBetween("date", filters.byDateStart, filters.byDateEnd),
return c.Build()
func main() {
filters := filters{}
filters.byId = []int{1, 2, 3}
filters.byDateStart = "2021-08-01"
// note that we're missing filters.byEmail and byDateEnd.
// when filters are nil, they will be ignored by golconda
whereString, whereValues := buildCondition(filters)
fmt.Println(whereString) // -> (id IN (?,?,?) AND date >= ?)
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", whereValues) // -> []interface {}{1, 2, 3, "2021-08-01"}
// Do you love Squirrel?
users := sq.Select("*").From("users")
users.Where(whereString, whereValues)
// ... and so on
What if we want to filter by expressions?
filters.byDateStart = golconda.SqlExpression("NOW()")
What if we have multiple conditions?
condition := golconda.NewAnd()
subCondition := golconda.NewOr()
// [... fill your conditions]
What if we want to use Postgres?
golcondaP := golconda.GolcondaBuilder.PlaceholderFormat(golconda.PlaceholderDollar)
c := golcondaP.NewAnd()
c.Append(golconda.IsEqual("id", 23))
query, values := c.Build()
fmt.Printf("%s -> %v", query, values)
// (id = $1) -> [23]
That's all.