Craigslist Flooder improved on Engineer Man's video
This is a really good video, I enjoyed it a lot. While watching the video, I was thinking about the effectiveness of the program and how it will impact the scammer. I concluded that it will likely not cause any major damage due to the false information that is being flooded looking too fake.
- Fake emails are all organized the same, following the order: first name, number, @[domain name].
- I improved this by randomaizing emails with names, nicknames, dates, and hobbies. With different capitalization.
- The ussage of each email domain is based on popularity of the email domain.
- I improved this by randomaizing emails with names, nicknames, dates, and hobbies. With different capitalization.
- Fake passwords are too random and eight characters long
- I improved this by randomaizing the passwords with names, nicknames, dates, and hobbies and with different capitalization. This makes the passwords look more real.
Engineer Man:
My Improved Version:
Disclaimer: I did not run nor do I recommend running this program. A flooding tool is considered an attack and may be illegal in your country.