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Rate Limiter

Rate Limiter is a rails module that can easily limit requests per client for all endpoints or for specific ones.

To add it, all you have to do is include RateLimit in ApplicationController to have it on all your controllers using default settings of 100 request per hour (3600 seconds).

You can also add it directly to the controller you want to be rate limited.

To customize, just use helper methods rate and period, as following:

class AnImportantController < ApplicationController
  include RateLimit

  # those are the default (optional declaration)
  rate 100 # one hundred request
  period 3600 # one hour


How to run

Easy run with docker (recommended) or run directly in the system.

Running in the system

Download rvm

\curl -sSL | bash -s stable --rails

Install ruby 2.6.5

rvm install 2.6.5

Install rails

gem install rails


bundle install

Have PostgreSQL installed (binaries available on:

Set credentials

mv config/database.yml config/database.yml.bak
mv config/ config/database.yml

Fill specific DB settings like PG user/role, port and address, if you don't have the typical defaults.

Setup the database

rails db:create


Run the project with

rails s

Open localhost:3000/low_rate/index and refresh twice to see yourself blocked.

Running specs

Simply run

rails t

Running in docker

Have docker desktop installed



Linux & other systems


Run the commands:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

In another terminal, run:

docker-compose run web rails db:create

Open localhost:3000/low_rate/index and refresh twice to see yourself blocked.

Running specs

While server is up (docker-compose up), run:

docker-compose run web rails t