Helper project to help fix the issue with S3 sigV4 signature for open policy agent
To reproduce error: configure env variables for aws credentials and run:
opa run --server --config-file opa-config-auth-with-version.yaml --log-level debug
S3 buckets are already configured to properly reproduce the issue
Example with version ID will work, as S3 bucket doesn't require any IAM authentication
# latest
opa run --server --config-file opa-config-public-no-version.yaml --log-level debug
curl localhost:8181/v1/data
{"result":{"authz":{"allow":[]},"users":[{"id":"bob","name":"Robert Downey Jr"},{"id":"robobob","name":"Haven't survived Avengers"}]}}
# specific version
opa run --server --config-file opa-config-public-with-version.yaml --log-level debug
curl localhost:8181/v1/data
{"result":{"authz":{"allow":[]},"users":[{"id":"bob","name":"Robert Downey Jr"}]}}
Set up env vars with
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(aws configure get aws_access_key_id)
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(aws configure get aws_secret_access_key)
Files are accessible for authenticated aws user by checking aws:PrincipalType==AssumedRole
Bucket policy
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "AllowAnyAuthenticated",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"aws:PrincipalType": [
~/.aws/credentials should have credentials for IAM role OPA config
environment_credentials: {}
opa run --server --config-file opa-config-auth-no-version.yaml --log-level debug
curl localhost:8181/v1/data
You will see successfull data
opa run --server --config-file opa-config-auth-with-version.yaml --log-level debug
You will see forbidden errors
{"headers":{"Content-Type":["application/xml"],"Date":["Mon, 01 Aug 2022 22:47:00 GMT"],"Server":["AmazonS3"],"X-Amz-Id-2":["sG+eb72ODb7SjFP5bisy3VXgc9SJTpaZFMpLDzdQdj4SA/3Dyu2cUsb8pmQWvpJTVYimJTMUQVk="],"X-Amz-Request-Id":["9K33J6S2KB7BY08D"]},"level":"debug","method":"GET","msg":"Received response.","status":"403 Forbidden","time":"2022-08-01T18:47:01-04:00","url":""}
However, with aws cli you can get same version id successfully
aws s3api get-object --bucket opa-s3-test2-auth --key authz.tar.gz --version-id M1JY81qsF_EPX_u2nJcsruFhl9XyB6NK authz-versioned.tar.gz
# returns content of
opa run --server --bundle bundle
curl localhost:8181/v1/data
tar -zcvf authzv2.tar -C bundleV2 .
aws s3api get-object --bucket opa-s3-test2-auth --key authz.tar.gz froms3.tar.gz