#####Update Added the MovieLensALS Recommender, using the movie lens dataset. download the dataset first, for that run the script ./movielens.sh
You have three sizes of dataset available. Since this is CPU heavy it can take a lot of time especially if run on a laptop. Try with 4 cores --master local[4] Or just take either the smallest dataset(5M) or the mid size one with 1M ratings wget http://files.grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/ml-1m.zip unzip ....
and run it spark-submit --class sparkapps.MovieLensALS --master local .....
Read the explanation .. And ideally modify the code to send all the outputs(println) to a file that could be read later ....
This is an example from a spark training done by the berkeley guys ... The full tutorial with explanation is here. http://ampcamp.berkeley.edu/4/exercises/movie-recommendation-with-mllib.html