Create component
# The component scopes (to build the dependency tree levels) are: L0, L1, L2, L3, L4 cd auto # py component.py componentScope componentName py component.py L0 MyComponent # Which will create: # ./components/ # ./components/L0 # ./components/L0/MyComponent # ./components/L0/MyComponent/index.ts # ./components/L0/MyComponent/styles.module.scss
If more scopes are needed they can be added at auto/modules/export.py
Create 3D scene
cd auto py scene.py >> Scene name: MyScene3D # Which will create: # ./scenes/ # ./scenes/SceneName # ./scenes/SceneName/index.ts # ./scenes/SceneName/scene.ts # ./pages/scenename.tsx
Create Recoil.js state
cd auto py scene.py >> State name: StateName # Which will create an atom at: # ./state/ # ./state/StateName # ./state/StateName/index.ts
Set all exports
Use this command whenever creating new folders in:
- state - components - utils - scenes
If more folders are needed they can be added at auto/modules/export.py
cd auto py .\modules\export.py
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- Next.js Documentation - learn about Next.js features and API.
- Learn Next.js - an interactive Next.js tutorial.
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Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.