The running of front-end requires a Apache environment, which has been included in the XMAPP, a cross-platform web server solution stack package.
After the installation of xmapp, go to the Control Panel and config the Apache(httpd.conf)
under the Apache Module:
Locate the below string:
DocumentRoot "X:/xampp/htdocs"
<Directory "X:/xampp/htdocs">
Modify both of the path to a same new route, say:
DocumentRoot "C:\Web"
<Directory "C:\Web">
Copy the files from the frontend folder to the designated new route.Start the Apache Module from the XAMPP Control Panel.Go to the link127.0.0.1
via your browser, the service should be functional now.
We recommend a (mini)conda environment to run the back-end codes.
Try this file if requirements installation failed. For installing faiss, please refer to its document.
# Install faiss CPU version
$ conda install -c pytorch faiss-cpu
# Install faiss GPU+CPU version
$ conda install -c conda-forge faiss-gpu
While according to faiss document, the GPU version is not available other than Linux, so that here we tested with the CPU version.
To run the back-end, the LABSE model ( has to be downloaded and compressed first:
$ python WikiAligner/WikiAligner/utils/
Then, the back-end can be initialized at:
$ python WikiAligner/WikiAligner/bin/
Back-end has been fully connected to the front-end.
Capable to find alignments on the latest Wikipedia Articles
Running on port-forwarding.
Demo has passed
Finished CLI after refactoring code.
Successfully passed back-front connection demo locally.
Applied generator to save memory.
- Code refactorization is in progress...
- Working on flask for back-front connection...
- Debugging Wiki parse API... (might get the plain text from HTML with beautifulsoup)
Colab version coming soon...
- Front-end interface optimization [*]
- Find alignment from revisions [*]
- Downloading files (Spreadsheet) [***]
- Analysis and filtering of identical requests [*]
- Process optimization, queuing requests [******]
- Split language model parsing, caching judgement on steps [***]
- Add switch to double URL retrieval (Wikipedia/Custom) [*]
- Download and parsing to URL search [***]
- File upload [**]
[*] stands for difficulties
- Write API document for back-front connection...
- Build a function that export + in a single .xlsx file; user can download it...
- Check out similarity result (United Nations document may as an option of standard example)...
- Try docker or other methods for environment migration...
- Find available host and deploy demo..
- Continue to refactor code further for CLI -> flask...
- Continue to optimize generator and internal API to save memory and time...
- Debugging Wiki parse API... (might get the plain text from HTML with beautifulsoup)