Releases: Lukium/palworld-admin
Thanks to all who helped test the v0.10.0 on our official Discord!
- Added Discord Bot launch status to Palworld Admin UI Console on Server Launch when Bot is enabled.
- Discord Bot will update presence once per minute rather than when it sends a message (should give better representation of player count)
- Discord Bot launch moved to Server Launch in code
- Discord Bot will not shutdown when server is shutdown from Palworld Admin
- Kicking and Banning via RCON has been fixed
- Fixed Discord bug causing DB to need to be deleted on every restart
- Fixed bug where you would have to restart Palworld Admin to restart the Discord Bot after a server shutdown
- Discord Initial Integration - Full, Built-In, Self Hosted Bot (Options under the new Palworld Admin Settings)
- Native Windows Multi-Instance - Palworld Admin should only detect its own instance of the Dedicated Server now, allowing you to create a copy of Palworld Admin in another directory if you want to run multiple instances (Beware of Palworld Dedicated Server being a resource hog)
- Tentative Fix for Server breaking changes (Change of .exe name and missing steam files in Win64 directory)
- Added palworld-admin.log - now everything that goes into the console automatically goes into the log file as well to make debugging easier
- Re-arranged UI:
- The Player List is now taller
- Palworld Dedicated Server launcher settings are in the Server Settings
- Palworld Admin Settings (Like Steam Authentication, Auto-Restart and Auto-Backup) are now in Palworld Admin Settings (Green Gear button)
- Server Manager is now accessible via /admin endpoint (Making way for Custom Server pages on root / ). So to access your server via browser, go to https://ip:port/admin
- Added --launch-server / -ls command line argument (launches the server immediately if server is installed and settings are stored for launching server successfully)
- Added --port / -p command line argument (Allows Palworld Admin to listen on a port other than 8210 - still the default)
- Added MANAGEMENT_PORT to wine docker image (for passing --port to Palworld Admin - use
) - When launched with -ls the webserver can restart a server after an unexpected shutdown even if no client is connected to the backend.
- Moved cli_parsing to settings script for earlier parsing
- Cleaned up much of the code (removed old unused pyinstaller references)
- Created and Published Flask-OpenID-Steam (Patched Flask-OpenID) to pypi to be used on main project so pypi version is fixed
- Palguard Version bumped to 1.683 (Palguard Discord Release)
- Rare situation where Palguard would not be properly detected while installed.
- Palguard Presence Detection (On RCON Connect)
- Refresh Settings on Server Data Import/Restore
- Steam SSO Authentication (Prevents SteamIDs that have not been authenticated directly with Steam from connecting to the server)
- Steam SSO + IP Authentication (Requires Palguard) - Requires that both the SteamID be authenticated, and the player IP match the IP that was used for Authentication
To use Auth, tell your players to visit http://[ipofyourserver]:8210/steam-auth (You are welcome and encouraged to use an SSL for your Palworld Admin Webserver, but it's up to you how you go about it)
- Player Joins and Leaves being announced again on Palwolrd Admin UI
- Palguard 1.680 has been uploaded here due to an actual release not being available on Palguard Discord at this time that contains the needed getip command (pulled the version provided by the Dev on chat)
This is a re-release of 0.9.4 due to the fact that it had already been pushed to pypi.
Binaries were reuploaded with a hotfix after initial release
Another reupload of the Windows version, this time recompiled as 64-bit. If you had an issue where the app would crash randomly and show in the eventviewer with a KERNELBASE.dll error, this should solve it.
- There's currently a bug being caused during the compilation process, please revert back to 0.9.3 until this message is removed
- Steam SSO Authentication (Prevents SteamIDs that have not been authenticated directly with Steam from connecting to the server)
- Steam SSO + IP Authentication (Requires Palguard) - Requires that both the SteamID be authenticated, and the player IP match the IP that was used for Authentication
To use Auth, tell your players to visit http://[ipofyourserver]:8210/steam-auth (You are welcome and encouraged to use an SSL for your Palworld Admin Webserver, but it's up to you how you go about it)
- Player Joins and Leaves being announced again on Palwolrd Admin UI