contracts-js is a library that provides a convenient way to interact with blockchain contracts in Javascript/Typescript. It also includes typings for all contract related functions that auto-generated from source ABI files when smart-contract changes.
For now library is not available at npm. Use git url:
$ yarn add git+ssh://
import Web3 from "web3";
import { CloneFactory, Implementation, Lumerin } from "contracts-js";
const web3 = new Web3(Web3.givenProvider || "ws://localhost:8545");
const cf = CloneFactory(web3, "CLONE_FACTORY_ADDRESS");
const list = await cf.methods.getContractList().call();
const impl = Implementation(web3, "IMPLEMENTATION_ADDRESS");
const total = await impl.methods.contractTotal().call();
const lum = Lumerin(web3, "LUMERIN_ADDRESS");
const call = await lum.methods.balanceOf("account").call();