#Usage Include dist/js/angular-value-not-in-objects.js in your project
var app = angular.module('exampleApp', ['value-not-in-objects']);
Optionally when using typescript:
/// <reference path="../dist/ts/angular-value-not-in-objects.ts" />
var app = angular.module('exampleApp', ['value-not-in-objects']);
If you're using typescript you should include this package in your build process so you can compile it to the desired ECMAScript version. The default JavaScript file is compiled in ECMAScript 5.
<input value-not-in-objects="example.List" value-not-in-objects-key="PropertyName" value-not-in-objects-allow-id="someId" ng-model="Value" />
This directive gives a validation error when 'example.List' contains an object where the property with 'PropertyName' as name is equal to the value in ng-model.
<input value-not-in-objects="example.List" value-not-in-objects-key="PropertyName" value-not-in-objects-allow-value="someId" value-not-in-objects-allow-key="key" ng-model="Value" />
This example also contains the value-not-in-objects-allow-value and value-not-in-objects-allow-key-attributes. You need these attributes when you copied an object from the list.
value-not-in-objects-allow-key defines a property-name of a property in the list of objects.
value-not-in-objects-allow-value defines a value that is or could be the value of the property defined in value-not-in-objects-allow-key.
The object with the value defined in value-not-in-objects-allow-value, in the property with the name defined in value-not-in-objects-allow-key, will be ignored during validation.
See the example folder for a complete example.
#Install In the terminal navigate to your project folder and execute the following command: "bower install angular-value-not-in-objects".
Reference '/bower_components/angular-value-not-in-objects/dist/angular-value-not-in-objects.js' in your index.html file.
For TypeScript projects:
If you haven't installed TypeScript Definition Manager, install it. http://definitelytyped.org/tsd/
If you have not executed tsd init, execute 'tsd init' in the root folder of your project.
Execute tsd link in the root folder of your project.
#Develop npm install
bower install
tsd install
(Do #Develop steps first)
#Dependencies AngularJS: >= 1.2.26