Genius-Guru is a versatile and comprehensive project developed to assist users in navigating their career paths. It harnesses the capabilities of OpenAI and MongoDB to furnish career guidance based on quizzes and courses, create quizzes for assessment, and manage user data efficiently.
- Refer to
to set up your MongoDB connection string.
- Provide your OpenAI secret key in the same configuration file.
- File:
- Connects to MongoDB using the provided configuration and manages user data operations like adding a new user.
- Offers career advice based on quiz summaries and available courses.
- Creates quizzes focusing on different majors such as Machine Learning, Software Engineering, and Product Management.
- File:
- Defines the data models for the application, including User, Quiz, Question, and Answer.
- File:
- Utilizes OpenAI to fabricate multiple-choice questions for assessments based on provided article content.
- File:
- The core FastAPI application that houses the API endpoints for the project.
The .gitignore file of the project ensures that sensitive and unnecessary files are not tracked by Git. It encompasses patterns for Python byte-compiled files, distribution files, logs, environment files, etc.
Genius-Guru incorporates Font Awesome Free 6.1.1 for icons and stylings.
Clone the Repository
git clone <repository-url>
Set Up Configurations
- Configure your MongoDB and OpenAI as per the instructions in the Configuration section.
Install Dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the Application
uvicorn Genius-Guru.main:app --reload
Feel free to contribute to Genius-Guru. Create a pull request, and our team will review it promptly.