This is a Win11 style indicator for Latte Dock, based on Latte Win10 indicator, with the "glow on the top" portion is taken from this other Win11 indicator by JM-Enthusiast.
Light Mode with Breeze Light Theme, using a custom accent color, VLC requires attention
Light Mode with Win11OS-light theme, VLC requires attention
Dark Mode with Breeze Dark style, using a custom accent color, VLC requires attention
Dark Mode with Win11OS-dark theme, VLC requires attention
Top and bottom panels have stylisations, while the remaining two use the bottom one's (for now?).
The "separator curve" can look a bit thinner when the display scale is set to 100%. It was appearing correct when I used 106.25% and 112.5% scales. I even had it not showing up at all when I switched distros so I have no idea what exactly happens there.
I don't (and cannot) use Win11, so I have no idea how accurate this indicator is. It is becoming better in that regard but still, any suggestions are appreciated!
Version >= 0.7.0 requires Latte >= 0.10.4
0.6.0 and earlier versions require Latte >= v0.9.2
Download and install the indicator from
Clone this repo in one way or another, and cd to the folder newly created.
From command line: kpackagetool5 -i . -t Latte/Indicator
From command line: kpackagetool5 -u . -t Latte/Indicator