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Functional and Concurrent Programming

Main · Answers for Task List #10 · TaskList10.pdf

Task #1 a)

Rewrite Consumer/Producer classes from Lecture using ArrayBlockingQueue instead BoundedBuffer.


class Producer(name: String, buf: BoundedBuffer) extends Thread(name) {
	override def run: Unit =
		for (i <- 1 to 10) {println(s”$getName producing $i”); buf.put(i)}

class Consumer(name: String, buf: BoundedBuffer) extends Thread(name) {
	override def run: Unit =
		for (i <- 1 to 10) println(s”$getName consumed ${buf.take}”)

object prodCons {
	def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
		val buf: BoundedBuffer = new BoundedBuffer(5)
		new Producer("Producer", buf).start
		new Consumer("Consumer", buf).start


class Producer(name: String, buf: ArrayBlockingQueue[String]) extends Thread(name) {
  val nameId = s"${name.charAt(0)}${name.charAt(name.length() - 1)}"
  override def run(): Unit = {
    for (i <- 1 to 10) { buf.put(s"m$i"); println(s"[$nameId]: $buf") }
    println(s"[$nameId]: $buf")

class Consumer(name: String, buf: ArrayBlockingQueue[String]) extends Thread(name) {
  val nameId = s"${name.charAt(0)}${name.charAt(name.length() - 1)}"
  override def run(): Unit = {
    var msg = ""
    do { msg = buf.take; println(s"[$nameId]: $msg") } while (msg != "Done")

object Task1a {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val buf: ArrayBlockingQueue[String] = new ArrayBlockingQueue(3)
    new Producer("Producer0", buf).start()
    new Consumer("Consumer0", buf).start()

Task #1 b)

Create several Consumer-s and Producer-s and investigate.

In the program from sub-point a) create several producers and consumers. Give them unique names, such as Producer1, Consumer1, etc. In one of the tests, create two producers and three _consumers. Why doesn't the program end?

object Task1b {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val buf: ArrayBlockingQueue[String] = new ArrayBlockingQueue(3)
    for (i <- 0 to 1) new Producer(s"Producer$i", buf).start()
    for (i <- 0 to 2) new Consumer(s"Consumer$i", buf).start()

Task #1 c)

Analyse the program: why the counter value is not as it could be expected to be? Fixing the program.

Remove the definitions of Producer and Consumer from the program in point b). Use the ExecutionContext to perform the corresponding tasks. Create two producers and three consumers in one of the tests. Why is the program ending?

object Task1c {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val buf: ArrayBlockingQueue[String] = new ArrayBlockingQueue(3)
    for (i <- 0 to 1) => { new Producer(s"Producer$i", buf).start() })
    for (i <- 0 to 2) => { new Consumer(s"Consumer$i", buf).start() })

Task #2

Dining Philosophers Problem

Write a program that solves the problem of dining philosophers using semaphores (java.util.concurrent.Semaphore). The solution should meet the following conditions:

  1. A philosopher eats only when he has two chopsticks.
  2. Two philosophers cannot hold the same chopstick at the same time.
  3. There is no blockage (stalemate). It can occur, for example, when all philosophers pick up the left-hand chopsticks and wait for the right ones to be released.
  4. Nobody can be starved. The apparently obvious strategy of waiting until both chopsticks are free could starve two philosophers (why?).
  5. None of the philosophers have a strategy like eating 100% of time. After the meal is over, everyone puts their chopsticks down and goes back to the meditation room.
  6. Philosophers pick up and put down their chopsticks one at a time.
  7. We cannot distinguish any of the philosophers (their algorithms should be the same).

One solution is that at the beginning all philosophers meditate in a dedicated room, and eat in the dining room. A doorman should be involved, guarding the door of the dining room and allowing up to four philosophers to be there simultaneously. That strategy makes a scenario where at least two philosophers sitting at the table lack at least one neighbour, and therefore at least one philosopher can eat (why?)

Each philosopher has to display appropriate messages informing about their status: meditation time, entering the dining room, eating time, leaving the dining room.

class Philosopher(private val id: Int,
                  private val doorkeeper: Semaphore,
                  private val leftChopstick: Chopstick,
                  private val rightChopstick: Chopstick,
                  private val actionTime: Int) {

  val NAME_TAG = s"[${this.getClass.getSimpleName.charAt(0)}$id]"

  def think(): Unit = {
    val meditateTime: Int = nextInt(actionTime)
    println(s"$NAME_TAG Meditate for: ${meditateTime/1000}s")

  def enterRoom(): Unit = {
    println(s"$NAME_TAG Enters the room!")

  def eat(): Unit = {
    val eatingTime = nextInt(actionTime)
    println(s"$NAME_TAG Eating for: ${eatingTime/1000}s")

  def leaveRoom(): Unit = {
    println(s"$NAME_TAG Left the room!")

  def routine(): Unit = {

  def awake(): Unit = while (true) routine()

class Chopstick(id: Int) {
  val NAME_TAG = s"[${this.getClass.getSimpleName.charAt(0)}$id]"
  val s = new Semaphore(1, true)
  def pick(philosopher: String): Unit = { s.acquire(); println(s"$philosopher picks up $NAME_TAG")}
  def put(philosopher: String): Unit = { s.release(); println(s"$philosopher puts away $NAME_TAG")}

class FeastingPhilosophers(private val n: Int, private val actionTime: Int, private val runTime: Int) {
  val doorkeeper = new Semaphore(n - 1, true)
  val chopsticks: Array[Chopstick] = new Array[Chopstick](n)
  for (i <- 0 until n) chopsticks(i) = new Chopstick(i)

  def start(): Unit = {
    println(s"Creating $n Philosophers that will feast for ${runTime/1000}s, with 0-${actionTime}ms between actions.")
    val executionContext =
    for (i <- 0 until n) {executionContext.execute(
      () => new Philosopher(i, doorkeeper, chopsticks(i), chopsticks((i + 1) % n), actionTime).awake()

object Task2 {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val ACTION_TIME: Int = 15 * 1000
    val RUN_TIME: Int = 120 * 1000
    new FeastingPhilosophers(PHILOSOPHERS_NUMBER, ACTION_TIME, RUN_TIME).start()