Main · Answers for Task List #4 · TaskList4.pdf
def sumBT[A](bt: BT[Int]): Int = bt match {
case Node(int, left, right) => int + sumBT(left) + sumBT(right)
case Empty => 0
sumBT(t) == 6 // true
sumBT(tree_empty) == 0 // true
sumBT(tree_root) == 5 // true
sumBT(tree_zero) == 0 // true
def foldBT[A, B](f: A => (B, B) => B)(acc: B)(bt: BT[A]): B = bt match {
case Node(node, child_left, child_right) => f(node)(foldBT(f)(acc)(child_left), foldBT(f)(acc)(child_right))
case Empty => acc
Take a brief look at the regular foldRight function:
def foldRight[A,B](f: A => B => B)(acc: B)(xs: List[A]): B = xs match {
case Nil => acc
case h::t => f (h) (foldRight (f) (acc) (t))
Write a function that uses foldBT (from Task #2) to sum up the vertices from Binary Tree and another one that creates a list out of vertices from Binary Tree (infix, prefix, postfix)
def sumBTfold: BT[Int] => Int = bin_tree => foldBT((node: Int) => (child_left: Int, child_right: Int) => node + child_left + child_right)(0)(bin_tree)
def inorderBTfold[A](bt: BT[A]): List[A] =
foldBT((node: A) => (child_left: List[A], child_right: List[A]) => child_left ::: node :: child_right)(Nil)(bt)
def preorderBTfold[A](bt: BT[A]): List[A] =
foldBT((node: A) => (child_left: List[A], child_right: List[A]) => node :: child_left ::: child_right)(Nil)(bt)
def postorderBTfold[A](bt: BT[A]): List[A] =
foldBT((node: A) => (child_left: List[A], child_right: List[A]) => child_left ::: child_right ::: List(node))(Nil)(bt)
sumBTfold(t) == 6 // true
sumBTfold(tree_empty) == 0 // true
sumBTfold(tree_root) == 5 // true
sumBTfold(tree_zero) == 0 // true
inorderBTfold(t) == List(2, 3, 1) // true
inorderBTfold(tree_empty) == List() // true
inorderBTfold(tree_root) == List(5) // true
inorderBTfold(tree_zero) == List(-2, 4, -2) // true
preorderBTfold(t) == List(1, 2, 3) // true
preorderBTfold(tree_empty) == List() // true
preorderBTfold(tree_root) == List(5) // true
preorderBTfold(tree_zero) == List(4, -2, -2) // true
postorderBTfold(t) == List(3, 2, 1) // true
postorderBTfold(tree_empty) == List() // true
postorderBTfold(tree_root) == List(5) // true
postorderBTfold(tree_zero) == List(-2, -2, 4) // true
def mapBT[A, B](f: A => B)(tree: BT[A]): BT[B] =
foldBT[A, BT[B]]((node: A) => (child_left: BT[B], child_right: BT[B]) => Node(f(node), child_left, child_right))(Empty)(tree)
$ mapBT[Int, Int](v => 2 * v)(t)
> Node(2, Node(4, Empty, Node(6, Empty, Empty)), Empty)
$ mapBT[Int, Int](v => 2 * v)(tree_empty)
> Empty
$ mapBT[Int, Int](v => 3 * v)(tree_root)
> Node(15, Empty, Empty)
$ mapBT[Int, Int](v => v * v)(tree_zero)
> Node(16, Node(4, Empty, Empty), Node(4, Empty, Empty))
$ mapBT[Int, Int](v => 0 * v)(tree_zero)
> Node(0, Node(0, Empty, Empty), Node(0, Empty, Empty))
$ mapBT[Int, Int](_ => 1)(tree_zero)
> Node(1, Node(1, Empty, Empty), Node(1, Empty, Empty))
$ mapBT[Int, Double](_ => 3.5)(t)
> Node(3.5, Node(3.5, Empty, Node(3.5, Empty, Empty)), Empty)
def pathExists[A](graph: Graph[A])(from: A, to: A): Boolean = {
def search(visited: List[A])(queue: List[A]): Boolean =
queue match {
case head :: tail =>
if (visited contains head) search(visited)(tail)
else head == to || search(head :: visited)(tail ::: (graph succ head))
case Nil => false
search(Nil)(graph succ from)
pathExists(g)(4, 1) // true [4] -> [2] -> [1]
!pathExists(g)(0, 4) // true
!pathExists(g)(3, 0) // true
pathExists(g)(2,2) // true [2] -> [1] -> [2]
!pathExists(g)(0,0) // true
Take a brief look at the breadthSearch function given on the lecture:
def breadthSearch[A] (g: Graph[A]) (startNode: A): List[A] = {
def search(visited: List[A]) (toVisit: List[A]): List[A] =
toVisit match {
case h::t => if (visited contains h) search(visited)(t)
else h::search(h::visited)(t ::: (g succ h))
case Nil => Nil
search (Nil) (List(startNode))
And now here's my pathExist with comments:
def pathExists[A](graph: Graph[A])(from: A, to: A): Boolean = {
def search(visited: List[A])(queue: List[A]): Boolean =
queue match {
case head :: tail =>
// Skip looking in a node that we've already been in
if (visited contains head) search(visited)(tail)
// Checks if head is the destination node & makes recursive call:
// Prepending the node to visited list
// Appending reachable nodes to queue list
head == to || search(head :: visited)(tail ::: (graph succ head))
case Nil => false
// Starts with Empty List of Visited Nodes and creates
// queue of nodes that shall be visited starting w/ "from"
search(Nil)(graph succ from)