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Welcome to the Janrain Engage library for the Android platform.  This library is available
open-source under a Berkeley license, as found in the LICENSE file.

Updating from 2.x to 3.0:
- See the documentation on

Updating from 1.x to 2.0:

- Replace the activity declarations in your AndroidManifest.xml with fresh copies from
- Update your Android target to Android 13 / Honeycomb 3.2 (still deployable to Android 4+ / Donut / 1.6)
  (Alternately, remove the "screenSize" configuration change handler from the "configChanges"
  portion of each JREngage Activity declaration in your AndroidManifest.xml and then target your app at
  lower versions of Android.)
- Ensure that the JREngage/libs/android-support-v4.jar is added to your IDE's project (ant builds work
  without updating)
- Ensure that the jackson-core-lgpl-1.6.4.jar and jackson-mapper-lgpl-1.6.4.jar libraries are removed from
  your IDE's project.

Using tablet support:
- Tablet support works in two modes, either embedded as a UI Fragment or as a modal dialog.
- To show a modal dialog simply continue to call JREngage#showAuthenticationDialog() or
- To start a Fragment in a specific container call JREngage#showSocialPublishingFragment(...)
- Or, if you wish to manage the Fragment yourself (e.g. to add it to the back stack), use
- Embedded mode requires a host activity sub-classed from, is incompatible.

Getting Started:

Phonegap Plugin:

To report bugs or ask questions: