Basic Template for elasticsearch plugin developpement
You can run the junit test : EllapsedTimeProcessorTest.testCallAnalyzer and make a breakpoint at the end of this method. After this it's possible to make some curl request to the elasticsearch server. For example, you can make this 3 different request wich return the same document. It is interesting because in this 3 request, we used the same field which be analyzed,indexed in 3 different way :
The simple/original-ES way : curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/test/line/_search?q=partial.partial_parsed:dekpo"
The way used a not_analyzed field : curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/test/line/_search?q=partial:dekpo%20ede"
The last used a custom developped tokenFilter, wich concatenat the field with a parametrable separaot (for this example the separator is "" but it could be as you want) : curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/test/line/_search?q=partial.partialnos:dekpoede"