This is a small node.js program that I created to be able to automatically add fuelings to Spritmonitor after having charged my car.
This is far from complete, but enough for my needs.
node spritmonitor_cmd.js username password addFueling|listCars|listFuelings
- addFueling required options:
- quantity=56.78
- price=67.89
- fuelsort=Diesel|Super gasoline|Electricity|... (see fueltypes.json)
- Either:
- odometer=67890 for total mileage/kilometers of the car
- Or:
- trip=678 for distance of trip since last refueling
- addFueling additional options (all optional):
- quantityunit=l||kg|kWh|... (see quantityunits.json)
- currency=EUR|USD|... (see currencies.json)
- "note=Your custom message"
- streets=autobahn,city,land (any combination of these, separated by comma)
- attributes=summertires,normal (any of summertires|wintertires,normal|slow|fast,ac,trailer,heating)
- bc_consumption=7.65 (consumption as indicated by the board computer)
- bc_quantity=47.65 (quantity as indicated by the board computer)
- bc_speed=76 (average trip speed as indicated by the board computer)
- stationname=Aral|Shell|... (see fuelingcompanies.json)
- position=55.555,7.7777 (position as latitude,longitude)
- country=D (two letters country code)
- location=Hamburg (location name, for example city name)
- tank=1|2 (fuel tank id, regular cars only have 1, hybrid cars 1=gasoline, 2=electricity)
- date=03/21/2019|21.03.2019 (any date that can be parsed, note that hour/min/sec is not supported by the API and will be ignored)
- listCars: no options required, returns json of all cars available
- listFuelings: carId [limit=number] returns last limit fuelings as json