A VPC from scratch with 1 Public and 1 private Subnet.
Attach this VPC to InternetGateway.
Create Public & Private Route Table for each subnet
Create 2 security group "the first allow access on port 80 & 22 which used for a web server, the other allows only ssh on port 22"
Launch an EC2 with apache2 in the public subnet and attach it to SG "allow 80 & 22"
-Launch an EC2 with MySQL in the private subnet.
#AWS Credentials
aws_access_key: "AKIAIV22
aws_secret_key: "JN1bLQDd22N"
aws_region: "us-west-2"
#Cloudformation Parameters StackName: "ansible-clouformation"
EnvironmentName: "dev"
ImageId: "ami-e251209a"
InstanceType: "t2.micro"
PrivateSubnet1CIDR: ""
PublicSubnet1CIDR: ""
VpcCIDR: ""