Example CARI control tool
Parameter | Description | Mandatory? |
-d IP:port | Destination (RRU) IP and port (for the control channel)* | yes |
-s IP:port | Source (BBU) IP and port (for baseband uplink)** | |
-r | Reset remote device | |
-p val | RF power setpoint in dBm (where ALC is available) as a decimal number | |
-rf val | RX frequency in Hertz as an integer | |
-tf val | TX frequency in Hertz as an integer | |
-rc val | RX frequency correction in ppm as a decimal number | |
-tc val | TX frequency correction in ppm as a decimal number | |
-afc 1/0 | Automatic Frequency Control (where available), 1-on, 0-off | |
-rx 1/0 | Activate RX baseband downstream, 1-on, 0-off |
*) This is the address of the Remote Radio Unit (RRU), with port set with -ctrl
**) This is the address of the ZMQ baseband publisher, running at the Baseband Unit (BBU).