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Max Bridgland edited this page Aug 27, 2020 · 4 revisions

This is a detailed page about the configuration for winfetch. It may not be up to date with the most recent configuration changes so make sure to read the changelogs in the Releases to make sure you find them all!


Config Key: format

Config Type: list


The format key allows you to decide which modules are displayed when running winfetch. The available modules are:

"user", "sep", "uptime", "mem", "cpu", "procs", "cpuCores", "cpuThreads", "disk", "wversion", "gpus", "bios", "baseboard", "network"

The format list is position specific and case specific so make sure you have no typos if you come across display issues!


    "format": ["user", "sep", "network", "uptime", "mem", "cpu", "procs", "wversion", "gpus", "bios", "baseboard"]

Ascii Settings

Config Key: showAscii

Config Type: boolean


Takes in either true or false. When true, it will display ASCII art beside System information.

Config Key: useSmallAscii

Config Type: boolean


Takes in either true or false. When true, it will display a smaller version of the Windows ASCII art.

Config Key: useCustomAscii

Config Type: boolean


Takes in either true or false. When true, it will display ASCII art from the customAsciiPath config key.

Requires customAsciiPath to be populated!

Config Key: customAsciiPath

Config Type: string


Takes a path to your file with custom ASCII. Must be a full path!

Example: C:\\Users\user\asciiart.txt

Color Settings

Config Key: useDefaultColors

Config Type: boolean


Takes in either true or false. When true, this will use default colors hardcoded into winfetch to display the system infomation.

Config Key: asciiColor

Config Type: string

Options: Black, DarkRed, DarkGreen, DarkYellow, DarkBlue, DarkMagenta, DarkCyan, LightGray, DarkGray, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Magenta, Cyan, White


Color to display ASCII art in.

Config Key: userColor

Config Type: string

Options: Black, DarkRed, DarkGreen, DarkYellow, DarkBlue, DarkMagenta, DarkCyan, LightGray, DarkGray, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Magenta, Cyan, White


Color to display User in.

Config Key: sepColor

Config Type: string

Options: Black, DarkRed, DarkGreen, DarkYellow, DarkBlue, DarkMagenta, DarkCyan, LightGray, DarkGray, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Magenta, Cyan, White


Color to display separator in.

Config Key: titleColor

Config Type: string

Options: Black, DarkRed, DarkGreen, DarkYellow, DarkBlue, DarkMagenta, DarkCyan, LightGray, DarkGray, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Magenta, Cyan, White


Color to display info titles in.

Config Key: infoColor

Config Type: string

Options: Black, DarkRed, DarkGreen, DarkYellow, DarkBlue, DarkMagenta, DarkCyan, LightGray, DarkGray, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Magenta, Cyan, White


Color to display info in.

Title Settings

Each title is customizable and each config setting is self explainatory. For each key in the config the value will display as such in the program.

Example Configuration:

 "format": [
 "showAscii": true,
 "useDefaultColors": false,
 "useSmallAscii": false,
 "asciiColor": "Cyan",
 "useCustomAscii": true,
 "customAsciiPath": "C:\\Users\\Max\\.winascii",
 "userColor": "Magenta",
 "sepColor": "Magenta",
 "titleColor": "DarkMagenta",
 "infoColor": "LightGray",
 "titles": {
  "memory": "Memory",
  "cpu": "CPU #",
  "cpuCores": "CPU Cores",
  "cpuThreads": "CPU Threads",
  "gpus": "GPU #",
  "diskSize": "Disk Size",
  "windowsVersion": "Windows Ver.",
  "bios": "BIOS",
  "baseboard": "Baseboard",
  "processCount": "Processes",
  "uptime": "Uptime"
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