The collection of labs and the exam project repos related to the course of Mobile Application Development at Politecnico di Torino, a.y. 2022-2023
- Francesco Rosati
- Giuseppe Lazzara
- Mario Mastrandrea
- Michele Pistan
contains the repository for the exam group project, consisting in the implementation of a native Android App for the reservation of sport centers' playgrounds and the management of matches between users
- Access the app by Google Authentication
- Collect all the reservations interesting for the user, both as the organizer and a participant
- Show the actual playgrounds availabilities in real-time, for each sport and for each time slot
- List all the registered playgrounds for the provided sport centers, and for each of them describe all the main info (name, sport, price, opening hours, address, etc.) as well as their available equipments
- Reserve a playground for given timeslots and (eventually) some related sport equipments
- Manage and review your reservation, add it to your Google Wallet and add the event to your Google Calendar
- Search and invite other users to play sending them push notifications
- Accept or reject an invitation, and be notified of other users' invitations responses
- Rate and Review a playground after a game
- Manage your profile: adding your info, select your favourite sports and your corresponding sport level and collect achievements playing to new sports and playgrounds
- App is provided with a Front-end native Android architecture, based on the MVVM paradigm and leveraging the main Kotlin androidx libraries
- Layout is managed with classic Android components (no Jetpack compose)
- The backbone is based on a Repository class interacting with the cloud Firebase platform
- Data is stored both in a NoSQL Firestore DB and in a Firebase storage slice
- Notifications are managed by a Firebase Messaging Service