🔭 I’m currently exploring the User Experience(UX) & Research World.
💻 I’m currently rendering 3d stuff on Blender.
🌱 I’m currently learning PHP, Javascript, and Blockchain technology.
💬 Ask me about Design, Coding, etc.
📫 How to reach me: abu.obaida168@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact: I'm a weirdo who spends most of his time either designing or daydreaming!
I'm a 4th level Computer Science Engineering student with a passion for product design. I am a self-taught product designer and constantly learning new skills to create beautiful and functional designs.
I have experience using a range of design tools, including:
- Figma
- Photoshop
- Illustrator
- Blender
- Photopea
- Canva
I'm also proficient in the MS Office suite, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, and Google Office suite including Google Docs, Slides and Sheets, etc.
I've worked as a Presentation Designer on Upwork and Freelancer, where I've helped clients create visually stunning presentations that effectively communicate their ideas.
- Champion in System Analysis & Design Project Competition @ UIU CSE Project Show Fall 2023
- Champion in Advanced Object-Oriented Programming Project Competition @ UIU CSE Project Show Summer 2022
- 1st Runner Up in Graphics Design Competition @ UIU CSE WEEK 2023