This extension adds support for the Diameter protocol to k6.
The Makefile will automatically download xk6, which is required to compile this project.
import diam from 'k6/x/diameter'
import avp from 'k6/x/diameter/avp'
import dict from 'k6/x/diameter/dict'
import { cmd, app, code, flag, vendor } from './diam/const.js'
import { check } from 'k6'
let data = diam.DataType()
let client = diam.Client({
authApplicationId: [app.ChargingControl],
export default function () {
let ccr = diam.newMessage(cmd.CreditControl, app.ChargingControl);
ccr.add(avp.New(code.OriginHost, 0, 0, data.DiameterIdentity("")))
ccr.add(avp.New(code.OriginRealm, 0, 0, data.DiameterIdentity("origin.realm")))
ccr.add(avp.New(code.DestinationHost, 0, 0, data.DiameterIdentity("")))
ccr.add(avp.New(code.DestinationRealm, 0, 0, data.DiameterIdentity("dest.realm")))
ccr.add(avp.New(code.SessionId, 0, flag.M, data.UTF8String("Session-8888")))
ccr.add(avp.New(code.CCRequestType, 0, flag.M, data.Enumerated(1)))
ccr.add(avp.New(code.CCRequestNumber, 0, flag.M, data.Unsigned32(1000)))
ccr.add(avp.New(code.SubscriptionId, 0, flag.M, data.Grouped([
avp.New(code.SubscriptionIdData, 0, flag.M, data.UTF8String("subs-data")),
avp.New(code.SubscriptionIdType, 0, flag.M, data.Enumerated(1))
ccr.add(avp.New(code.ServiceInformation, 10415, flag.M, data.Grouped([
avp.New(code.PSInformation, 10415, flag.M, data.Grouped([
avp.New(code.CalledStationId, 0, flag.M, data.UTF8String("10099"))
const cca = client.send(ccr)
console.log(`CCA: ${cca}`)
const resultCode = cca.findAVP(code.ResultCode, 0)
check(resultCode, {'Result-Code == 2001': r => r == 2001,})
Use your custom k6 binary to run an example k6 script.
./bin/k6 run example/example.js
Alternatively, you may run xk6-diameter packaged in Docker using the following command:
docker run \
--net=host \
-v $(pwd)/example:/mnt/example \ run --log-format=raw /mnt/example/example.js
There are thousands of AVPs, each with a unique avp-code and vendor-id. To aid readability and enhance the developer experience, we recommend defining them as constants in a separate file, for example, using diam/const.js
You can either create the constant yourself or use the bin/dict_generator CLI tool to generate a full list of AVPs for you. Use the following command:
./bin/dict_generator -output example/diam/const.js
The CLI also supports generating additional AVPs that are not defined in the default list. Simply add the -dictionary flag to include the additional AVP definition:
./bin/dict_generator -output example/diam/const.js -dictionary dict/extra.xml
Field Name | Type | Description |
RequestTimeout | duration | Timeout for each request |
MaxRetransmits | number | Maximum number of message retransmissions |
RetransmitInterval | duration | Interval between message retransmissions |
EnableWatchdog | boolean | Flag to enable automatic DWR (Diameter Watchdog Request) |
WatchdogInterval | duration | Interval between sending DWRs |
WatchdogStream | number | Stream ID for sending DWRs (for multistreaming protocols) |
SupportedVendorID | number array | List of supported vendor IDs |
AcctApplicationID | number array | List of accounting application IDs |
AuthApplicationID | number array | List of authentication application IDs |
VendorSpecificApplicationID | object | List of vendor-specific application IDs |
CapabilityExchange | object | Configuration for capability exchange |
TransportProtocol | string | Transport layer protocol to use, either "tcp" or "sctp". Defaults to "tcp" |
TLS | object | TLS Configuration |
Field Name | Type | Description |
VendorID | number | Vendor ID |
AuthApplicationID | number | Auth Application ID |
AcctApplicationID | number | Acct Application ID |
Field Name | Type | Description |
VendorID | number | Vendor ID |
ProductName | string | Name of the product |
OriginHost | string | Host name of the origin |
OriginRealm | string | Realm of the origin |
FirmwareRevision | number | Firmware revision number |
HostIPAddresses | string array | List of host IP addresses |
Field Name | Type | Description |
Enable | boolean | Use TLS encrypted connection |
Cert | String | TLS certificate file, can be empty |
Key | String | TLS private key file, can be empty |
The following example demonstrates how to create a Diameter client in k6 with various configuration options.
let client = diam.Client({
requestTimeout: "50ms",
enableWatchdog: false,
authApplicationId: [app.ChargingControl],
vendorSpecificApplicationId: [
authApplicationId: app.ChargingControl,
vendorId: vendor.TGPP,
capabilityExchange: {
vendorId: 35838,