The mckit package provides a programming framework and command line tools to manipulate complex MCNP models. When a model is rather complex and its description occupies thousands of text lines it becomes hard to modify it and integrate several model manually. The package automates integration process.
Table of contents
Usage: mckit [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Tools to process MCNP models and results
--override / --no-override
--version Show the version and exit.
-v, --verbose Log debugging info to stderr. [default: False]
-q, --quiet Suppress info to stderr. [default: False]
--logfile / --no-logfile Log to file. [default: True]
--profile_mem Profile peak memory use. [default: False]
--help Show this message and exit.
check Read MCNP model(s) and show statistics and clashes.
compose Merge universes and envelopes into MCNP model using merge...
concat Concat text files.
decompose Separate an MCNP model to envelopes and filling universes
split Splits MCNP model to text portions (opposite to concat)
transform Transform MCNP model(s) with one of specified transformation.
The library allows subtraction and merging models, renaming objects (cells, surfaces, compositions, universes), simplification of cell expressions (removing redundant surfaces), homogenization, computation of cell volumes and material masses, and more."Loading c-model envelopes")
envelopes = load_model(str(CMODEL_ROOT / "c-model.universes/envelopes.i"))
cells_to_fill = [11, 14, 75]
cells_to_fill_indexes = [c - 1 for c in cells_to_fill]"Attaching bounding boxes to c-model envelopes %s", cells_to_fill)
[envelopes[i] for i in cells_to_fill_indexes], tolerance=5.0, chunk_size=1
)"Backing up original envelopes")
envelopes_original = envelopes.copy()
antenna_envelop.rename(start_cell=200000, start_surf=200000)"Subtracting antenna envelop from c-model envelopes %s", cells_to_fill)
envelopes = subtract_model_from_model(
envelopes, antenna_envelop, cells_filter=lambda c: c in cells_to_fill
)"Adding antenna envelop to c-model envelopes")
envelopes.add_cells(antenna_envelop, name_rule="clash")
envelopes_path = "envelopes+antenna-envelop.i""The model of HFSR in envelopes is saved to %s", envelopes_path)
Installing from pypi:
pip3 install mckit
Installing from
pip3 install git+
This software follows Semantic Versioning