This project adds random traps to the classic cliff walking environment, so DQN is also a solution. It's not very difficult to realize Q-Table and DQN. I have carried out complete result analysis and tedious visualization in this project. Due to time constraints, the code is not very concise and reasonable, but I am very satisfied with the output results.
- Standard Cliff Walking [4x12] (Solution based on Q-Table)
- It is impossible not to find the best path after 2,500 episodes of training.
- Advanced Cliff Walking [4x12] (Solution based on DQN)
- 95.7% success rate in 1000 tests, after 170,000 episodes of training.
- Train: 1:02:10 (2e5 episodes), bench: 0:54:54 (200 checkpoints)
- Advanced Cliff Walking [12x12] [trap:32-64] (Solution based on DQN)
- 82.2% success rate in 1000 tests, after 365,000 episodes of training.
- Train: 4:39:12 (6e5 episodes), bench: 2:06:51 (120 checkpoints)
Python 3.10 is perfered, since I used some new PEP features. View requirements.txt
for other dependencies.
It is recommended to use VSCode for debugging. I have preset .vscode/launch.json
I also prepared a bash script for the pipeline, which can execute the processing items as needed.
# Run all processes
./ --device cuda:0 --train --bench --demo --test
You can run each process separately.
# Run train and bench (It takes a lot of time)
./ --device cuda:0 --train --bench
# Run demo and test (And log to file)
./ --device cuda:0 --demo --test | tee saved/run.log
However, the training and demonstration of the following 3 environments are independent, and you can run them at the same time.
The effect should be the same as that of CliffWalking-v0
of gym (Maybe there are differences in details. For example, I think it is reasonable not to return to the starting point after falling off the cliff).
# train
# demo
python --run
It uses the same 4x12 map as CliffWalking-v0
, but will randomly generate 10 cliffs (perhaps better named traps) and start-end points that can ensure connectivity.
# train
python --device $device
# bench
python --device $device
# demo
python --device $device --run
Using 12x12 map, but will randomly generate 32-64 cliffs. I used the BFS algorithm to ensure that there must be a feasible path.
# train
python --device $device --rand --large
# bench
python --device $device --rand --large
# demo
python --device $device --run --rand --large
- Reinforcement Learning (DQN) Tutorial
- Discount factor gamma
- Exponential moving average (EMA)
- Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein], Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition. MIT Press and McGraw-Hill, 2001. ISBN 0-262-03293-7. Section 22.2: Breadth-first search, pp. 531–539.
- 王琦,杨毅远,江季,Easy RL:强化学习教程,人民邮电出版社,, 2022.