This simply Playgroud program provide a useful tool in order to estimate your tax for the Italian car tax knwown as "Bollo auto".
That tax is based on:
- Power of the car
- Age ot the car
- Pollution class (EURO)
This three patameters allows this programs to calculate the tax that the car owner have to provide every year.
To calculate it, there are a few input variables that must be given to the programs.
* Euro 4,5,6: will pay 2,58€/kw plus 3,87€/kw if over 100kw.
* Euro 3: will pay 2,70€/kw plus 4,05€/kw if over 100kw.
* Euro 2: will pay 2,80€/kw plus 4,20€/kw if over 100kw.
* Euro 1: will pay 2,90€/kw plus 4,35€/kw if over 100kw.
* Euro 0: will pay 3,00€/kw plus 4,50€/kw if over 100kw.
With this input data, its possibile to calculate the tax.