BC Container is a collection of Powershell scripts to allow quick and easy setup of a docker desktop container of Dynamics BC
Download & load BCContainerhelper powershell module, download & load Powershellget module. Set veriable for the name of the powershell container. Then download the newest objects set up and build the container. This uses the BCContainerHelper module.
Depreciated and only left for humility reasons.
Requires Admin to run. Enables Hyper-V (may require reboot) Runs a webrequest to download the Dockerdesktop windows isntaller and executes the exe. Add's currently logged in user to the docker user group. Pop's open a reboot window that wil ltrigger a reboot if no selection made.
Still a work in progress, requires you have downloaded the extension. Not great for use with internaly developed extensions.
Work in pregress - idea is to allow the addition of users via csv file. Good if building demo container or internal testing. Can be used to show off differnt user permissions/role centers, yadda yadda.
Used to build a container of the preview builds of Dynamics bc if you are not part of the insider group.
DownloadDocker.ps1 ContainerBuild.ps1 NewUsers.ps1 (If needed) Extension_Install.ps1 (If needed)
Combine all scripts into one build Build scripts to remove container, update the objects reinstall using the newest version --add reminder to export info using config packages Find a good way to check the URL for docker download is still up and running.