This is deprecated mk1 controller design. For updated more advanced controller please check new GitHub repository
- Install pyqt:
- Install OpenCV 3.0
- Install python packages:
- pip install enum34
- pip install pyserial
- I was developing on Arduino IDE version 1.6.4, but should work on newer.
- Tools -> Board -> "Arduino Nano"
- Tools -> Processor -> "Atmega328"
- Tools -> Port -> Chose one you are using
Move motors to new position
Example [G0 X100 Y100] - to move motors to new position
Set position to defined
Example [G92 X0 Y0] - to set current position as 0
Instant stop
Example [M0]
Experimental set motor power
Example [M98 R1]
- R1 -> 33% (default)
- R2 -> 50%
- R3 -> 67%
- R4 -> 100%
Experimental set movement speed
Example [M99 R100], default R=600, The smaller value, the faster motion