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Le Lan Johan edited this page May 9, 2016 · 1 revision

JSON to SQL basic rules

Plain old JSON

POST /persons HTTP/1.1

  "title": "my title",
  "firstName": "Johan",
  "lastName": "LE LAN",
  "city": "San Francisco",
  "state": "California"

Should create a new table named persons.

create table `persons` (
  `id` varchar(255) not null primary key, 
  `title` varchar(255), 
  `firstName` varchar(255), 
  `lastName` varchar(255), 
  `city` varchar(255), 
  `state` varchar(255), 
  `created_at` datetime, 
  `updated_at` datetime

Should insert a record into this table.

select * from persons;
id title firstName lastName city state
ef1baa16-7d8c-4a06-94b5-7263d6472a4e my title Johan LE LAN San Francisco California

Additional properties

POST /persons HTTP/1.1

  "title": "second title",
  "firstName": "nahoj",
  "age": 35,
  "isBeautiful": true

Should alter the table persons and add two columns [age, isBeautiful]

alter table `persons` add `age` integer, add `isBeautiful` boolean;

Should insert a record into this table.

select * from persons;
id title firstName lastName city state age isBeautiful
bb0dc044-fbf1-426b-a05a-fbd2af72c7e5 second title nahoj 35 1

Nested property

POST /persons HTTP/1.1

  "title": "third one",
  "nested": {
    "label": "a sentence",
    "date": "2016-05-06T15:28:13Z",
    "zipCode": 23456

Should alter the table persons and add a new column nested.

alter table `persons` add `nested` varchar(255);

Should create a nested table persons_nested.

create table `persons_nested` (
  `id` varchar(255) not null primary key, 
  `label` varchar(255), 
  `date` varchar(255), 
  `zipCode` varchar(255),
  `created_at` datetime, 
  `updated_at` datetime

This new table should contain a record.

select * from persons_nested;
id label date zipCode
0c292041-47db-43f8-8106-da00652e9260 a sentence 2016-05-06T15:28:13Z 23456

Should insert a record into this table.

select * from persons;
id title firstName lastName city state age isBeautiful nested
da89687d-9304-4934-845f-8ea36bd420be third one 0c292041-47db-43f8-8106-da00652e9260

Multi-valued property

Two cases will be covered by this behavior. First a property multi-valued with nested objects. Second a multi-valued property with primive types.

Multi-valued objects property
POST /persons HTTP/1.1

  "title": "I have a many friends",
  "firstName": "jll",
  "friends": [
    {"title": "my title", "flag": false},
    {"title": "another title", "flag": true}

Should create a new table persons_friends which contain the values of friends property.

create table `persons_friends` (
  `id` varchar(255) not null primary key, 
  `foreignId` varchar(255) FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES persons(id), 
  `title` varchar(255), 
  `flag` varchar(255), 
  `created_at` datetime, 
  `updated_at` datetime

This new table should contain all the values of friends property.

select * from persons_friends;
id foreignId title flag
96393e06-3739-42f4-a598-461646173a06 85aa59a8-0411-4275-8f8d-f5d30c0891f4 my title 0
8200aa4d-15a1-4f84-822a-b68d2d224675 85aa59a8-0411-4275-8f8d-f5d30c0891f4 another title 1

Should insert a record into this table.

select * from persons;
id title firstName lastName city state age isBeautiful nested
85aa59a8-0411-4275-8f8d-f5d30c0891f4 I have many friends jll
Multi primitive values property

Imagine that your JSON contains a property with something like :

  "title": "primitive array",
  "tags": [

In this case, the service will create a table named persons_tags with :

  • an id column
  • a foreignId column
  • a tags column
create table `persons_tags` (
  `id` varchar(255) not null primary key, 
  `foreignId` varchar(255) FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES persons(id), 
  `tags` varchar(255), 
  `created_at` datetime, 
  `updated_at` datetime

This new table will contain two records:

select * from persons_tags;
id foreignId tags
81b66637-3072-446e-ab3f-65d5f0e4adf6 c2a7e3bf-de6f-4147-9926-aa482f28e72c wonderful
fb2bb8da-4f84-4843-9c84-f7836296a9c1 c2a7e3bf-de6f-4147-9926-aa482f28e72c great
select * from persons;
id title firstName lastName city state age isBeautiful nested
c2a7e3bf-de6f-4147-9926-aa482f28e72c primitive array