Open Realm of Stars is an open source 4X strategy game. Developed using Java. The game requires at minimum Swing and Java 7 to run.
Move your fleet in a randomly generated galaxy. Encouter other species, and find new planets to colonize. Explore mysterious space anomalies.
Manage your planets gain access to better buildings and ships. Population management is key to acquiring more culture, research, metal and production.
Make friends and enemies while traveling to outer realms. Form trade alliances, and defensive pacts to establish technology trade with other races. Make good diplomatic relations all other realms and win voting for ruler of the galaxy.
Fight enemies with customizable ship designs. Ship components have their own hit points and energy requirements to use them. Components will be rendered useless if hitpoints are depleted or energy requirements are not met. This makes space battles dynamic. A lucky shot by allied ship to an enemies fusion reactor will make them immobile on the battlefield. Fleets with advanced technologies have significant advantages, however luck or number of ships can sway the battle in your favor.
Conquer enemy planets. Drop bombs to clear out enemy troops, then deploy your own ground troops to seize control.
Each realm can have unique characters called leaders. These leaders can act as governors, fleet commanders and rulers. Each of the leader will gain perks which give bonus(negative or positive) on task they are performing. Leaders have limited life span and they will die for old age, but new ones can be replace the old one. Some rulers can have heirs which will eventually replace parents. These leaders can have also internal power struggles in certain government types.
After a game players are given a quick overview of major galactic events and how other realms did during the game. There will be also history events of all major events that leaders did during their time in the game.
See more screenshots
- Randomized galaxy with three different starting placements
- 10 different space races to play
- 15 different government types to play
- Any realm can start as ancient realm even human player
- Random events
- Planetary events
- Space anomalies
- Space pirates
- Privateering, trade fleets are actual ships which can be privateered
- Diplomatic relations between realms (War, Peace, Trade war, Trade Alliance, Defensive Pact and Alliance)
- AI remembers how it has been treated and will treat others accordingly
- Galactic Olympics to influence to other realms
- Technology can be traded in diplomatic trades
- If two realms are in alliance they won the game together.
- Possibility to fake military power in the galactic news (Can be lower or higher)
- Espionage ships and espionage missions with leaders
- Leaders acting as rulers, governors and commanders
- 6 Different technology branches each with 10 levels
- Each new technology will give either new ship component, ship hull or planetary improvement.
- All ships are designed based on currently available technology
- AI does not cheat and each AI is trying to make their own realm as strong as possible
- Turn based space combat
- Planets can conquered with troops and bombs
Since Open Realms of Stars is still under development I cannot guarantee that old saves will work for new versions. Backwards compatibility will be broken when adding new features.
Open Realm of Stars can be compiled with Maven.
Install maven and then run command:
mvn install
In the target directory a zip file contains all dependecies to run the Game.
Unzip, navigate to the newly extracted path and run Open-Realm-of-Stars-?.?.?.jar
with following command java -jar Open-Realm-of-Stars-?.?.?.jar
. Note that the question
marks need to correspond to the correct build version.
Git project also contains an Eclipse project which should automatically compile it.
All java files under src folder needs to be compiled. Even when compiling Eclipse
run first maven command (mvn install
) to fetch all the dependencies.
If you encounter following error while running command mvn install
Error: Could not find or load main class org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter
it is due bug in certain OpenJDK or Oracle Java version. See more information on Launchpad:
Workaround is to use following command instead: (mvn install -DforkCount=0
Compiling non-stable releases is not recommended. Non-stable versions of Open Realms of Stars may contain game breaking bugs that make the game unplayable. The game is constantly being developed for and new features may introduce bugs.
If you encounter any critical bugs create a new issue for it. Use the stable release version, or wait for a new fix. If you're interested in contributing to the project you are welcome to fix it. Contribution guidelines are outlined below.
Open Realms of Stars can be run from the Jar file or running compiled class.
Before contributing to the project you should play the game first. Understand the underlying game mechanics. The simplest way to contribute to the project is to test out the game and if you encounter any bug raise an issue on the Git page. Please check to see if your issue has been posted before making new issue.
If you want to contribute code, fork the project and make the change. Be sure to add any unit tests where needed.
Run the code through JUnits and checkstyle before making a pull request. This can be done using mvn verify
- Pull request should contain single logical change.
- Coding styling change should be on separate pull requests.
- Commit messages should be descriptive. If you are fixing an issue start commit line with #ISSUENUMBER.
- Pull request should not contain merge commits from other branches.
- Contributors retain their original copyrights. All code contributions must be under GPL2.0.
I will try to take a look at pull requests as fast as I can. If you are adding any new assets take a look at the next section for instructions.
Graphics should be licensed with CC-BY-SA and Sounds/Music with CC-BY. Also CC-BY-SA for music and sounds is okay, but the credits page will need to be updated. Fonts needs to be licensed with SIL Open Font License.
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