Repository for continual learning of regions to enhance loop closure detection and relocalization in the context of robotic SLAM.
- Download the repository
- Create a conda environment called clr (stands for continual learning regions) using the yaml file in the folder with the command
conda env create -f environment.yaml
- Activate the environment with the command
conda activate clr
- Inside the avalanche folder run the command
pip install -e .
to install avalanche adapted for the experiments
You can download USyd from here and follow the instruction from here to use it. We suggest to use docker, you can find an image inside the docker folder in this repository.
You can download KITTI from here. To run KITTI with rtabmap_ros, you can create the rosbags using this package.
You can download OpenLoris-Scene from this page. To run the experiments you need both the packages and the rosbags.
You can download the ten sequences from here.
Inside the experiments folder you can change the settings by manipulating the files inside the config folder. To run the experiments you can change the inside the src folder and run it with the command python src/
Inside the folder places365 you can find the weights of Resnet18 and Resnet50 models pretrained on Places365. In our experiments, only Resnet18 weights were used (places365/resnet18_places365/ These models were ported into Pytorch from Cafè, if something does not work correctly, please contact us.
To run RTAB-Map, we used Docker. Inside the docker folder there is a rtabmap folder which contains a Dockerfile you can use to build a docker image. See the docker/ for a step by step guide to build and run the docker image. In docker rtabmap folder is under /root/SLAM/programs (or ~/SLAM/programs), while rtabmap_ros is already inside ~/catkin_ws/src.
After run the container, you have to install libtorch C++ (we used libtorch 1.13.1, with CUDA 11.6). In our experiments, we never used GPU, so if you only want to reproduce the experiments, we suggest you to install libtorch-cpu.
You need to check if your GPU and nvidia drivers are compatible with CUDA 11.6.
- You can install CUDA 11.6 and cuDNN 8.9.7 for CUDA 11.x.
- you can download libtorch-cpu here.
- you can download libtorch with CUDA 11.6 support from here
Install everything inside the docker container.
After libtorch installation you need to add to your .bashrc file (in /root/.bashrc if you used docker):
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/path/to/libtorch/lib/
If you also installed CUDA, add to your .bashrc file also:
export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/cuda/lib64:/usr/local/cuda/extras/CUPTI/lib64
export PATH=$PATH:$CUDA_HOME/bin
In your bash run the command
source /path/to/.bashrc
Now in you bash run the command
Now, you can install rtabmap using the following commands:
cd path/to/rtabmap
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DOpenCV_DIR=/usr/local/lib/cmake/opencv4 ..
make -j4
make install
Then you need to build catkin_ws with rtabmap_ros using the following commands:
cd ~/catkin_ws
catkin_make -DOpenCV_DIR=/usr/local/lib/cmake/opencv4 -DRTABMAP_SYNC_MULTI_RGBD=ON -DRTABMAP_SYNC_USER_DATA=ON -j4
If you have problems in building catkin_ws, try this:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/rtabmap_ros
. /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
cd ~/catkin_ws
catkin_make -DOpenCV_DIR=/usr/local/lib/cmake/opencv4 -DRTABMAP_SYNC_MULTI_RGBD=ON -DRTABMAP_SYNC_USER_DATA=ON -j4
To run RTAB-Map using ros, move into the catkin_ws folder and run the command
roslaunch rtabmap_examples *launcher_name.launch*
The launcher files are in the folder rtabmap_ros/rtabmap_examples/launch/
Attention: in case of USyd, you need to use usyd_mono.launch (that uses only the frontal camera) NOT usyd_dataset.launch (that uses the three cameras).