Inspired by Prof Rob Aspin's work
The WebXR Graph Visualization project transforms a Logseq personal knowledge base into an interactive 3D graph, accessible in mixed-reality environments. The system automates the parsing of Markdown files from a privately hosted GitHub repository, enhances the content using the Perplexity AI API, and integrates with RAGFlow for AI-powered question answering. Processed changes are submitted back to the source repository as pull requests (PRs).
Key Features:
Inspired by Prof Rob Aspin's work
Integrates Sonata Rust wrapper for Piper
- 3D Visualization: Dynamic representation of knowledge graph nodes and edges with real-time updates.
- WebXR Compatibility: Immersive exploration on Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) devices.
- Efficient WebSocket Communication: Facilitates dynamic node position updates and real-time interactions.
- GPU Acceleration: Enhances performance on both server and client sides using WebGPU.
- Node Labels as Billboards: Clear and interactive identification of nodes within the graph.
- Integration with RAGFlow: Enables AI-powered question answering directly within the graph interface.
- Spacemouse Support: Offers intuitive navigation within immersive environments.
- Automatic GitHub PR Submissions: Streamlines the process of updating processed content back to GitHub.
- Comprehensive Metadata Management: Handles both processed and raw JSON metadata for enhanced data representation.
- OpenAI Integration: Provides text-to-speech capabilities for enhanced accessibility.
The project comprises a Rust-based server running within a Docker container and a JavaScript client-side application. The architecture emphasizes GPU acceleration, efficient real-time updates, and immersive AR experiences.
class App {
- websocketService: WebsocketService
- graphDataManager: GraphDataManager
- visualization: WebXRVisualization
- chatManager: ChatManager
- interface: Interface
- ragflowService: RAGFlowService
+ start()
- initializeEventListeners()
- toggleFullscreen()
class WebsocketService {
- socket: WebSocket
- listeners: Object
- reconnectAttempts: number
- maxReconnectAttempts: number
- reconnectInterval: number
+ connect()
+ on(event: string, callback: function)
+ emit(event: string, data: any)
+ send(data: object)
- reconnect()
class GraphDataManager {
- websocketService: WebsocketService
- graphData: GraphData
+ requestInitialData()
+ updateGraphData(newData: GraphData)
+ getGraphData(): GraphData
class WebXRVisualization {
- graphDataManager: GraphDataManager
- nodeManager: NodeManager
- layoutManager: LayoutManager
- effectsManager: EffectManager
- lastPositionUpdate: number
- positionUpdateThreshold: number
+ handleBinaryPositionUpdate(buffer: ArrayBuffer)
+ handleNodeDrag(nodeId: string, position: Vector3)
+ updateSettings(settings: object)
+ animate()
class NodeManager {
- nodeMeshes: Map<string, THREE.Mesh>
- nodeLabels: Map<string, THREE.Sprite>
- edgeMeshes: Map<string, THREE.Line>
- oldestDate: number
- newestDate: number
+ updateNodePositions(updates: PositionUpdate[])
+ updateNodePosition(nodeId: string, position: Vector3)
+ getNodePositions(): PositionUpdate[]
+ calculateNodeColor(lastModified: Date): THREE.Color
class LayoutManager {
- lastPositions: Position[]
- updateThreshold: number
- lastUpdateTime: number
- updateInterval: number
- currentGraphData: GraphData
+ performLayout(graphData: GraphData)
+ updateNodePosition(nodeId: string, position: Vector3)
+ sendPositionUpdates(nodes: Node[])
+ applyPositionUpdates(buffer: ArrayBuffer)
class ChatManager {
- websocketService: WebsocketService
- ragflowService: RAGflowService
+ sendMessage(message: string)
+ receiveMessage()
- handleIncomingMessage(message: string)
class Interface {
- chatManager: ChatManager
- visualization: WebXRVisualization
+ handleUserInput(input: string)
+ displayChatMessage(message: string)
- setupEventListeners()
- renderUI()
class RAGFlowService {
- settings: Settings
- apiClient: ApiClient
+ askQuestion(question: string): Promise<string>
+ processAnswer(answer: string): string
class GraphService {
+ build_graph_from_metadata(metadata: Map): GraphData
+ calculate_layout(gpu_compute: GPUCompute, graph: GraphData)
- initialize_random_positions(graph: GraphData)
class PerplexityService {
+ process_markdown(file_content: &str, settings: &Settings, api_client: &dyn ApiClient): Result<String, PerplexityError>
+ process_markdown_block(input: &str, prompt: &str, topics: &[String], api_response: &str): String
class FileService {
+ process_files(github_files: Vec<GithubFile>, settings: &Settings, metadata_map: &mut HashMap<String, Metadata>): Result<Vec<ProcessedFile>, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>>
+ should_process_file(file: &GithubFile): bool
+ strip_double_brackets(content: &str): String
+ process_against_topics(content: &str, metadata_map: &HashMap<String, Metadata>): String
+ count_hyperlinks(content: &str): usize
+ count_topics(content: &str, metadata_map: &HashMap<String, Metadata>): HashMap<String, usize>
class GPUCompute {
- device: GPUDevice
- nodes_buffer: GPUBuffer
- position_update_buffer: GPUBuffer
- position_pipeline: GPUComputePipeline
+ update_positions(binary_data: Uint8Array)
+ get_position_updates(): ArrayBuffer
+ step()
App --> WebsocketService
App --> GraphDataManager
App --> WebXRVisualization
App --> ChatManager
App --> Interface
App --> RAGFlowService
WebsocketService --> GraphDataManager
GraphDataManager --> WebXRVisualization
ChatManager --> RAGFlowService
Interface --> ChatManager
Interface --> WebXRVisualization
App --> GraphService
App --> PerplexityService
App --> FileService
WebXRVisualization --> NodeManager
WebXRVisualization --> LayoutManager
WebXRVisualization --> WebSocketService
LayoutManager --> WebSocketService
WebSocketService --> GPUCompute
GraphService --> GPUCompute
participant Client
participant WebXRVisualization
participant NodeManager
participant LayoutManager
participant WebSocket
participant Server
participant GPUCompute
Note over Client,GPUCompute: Initial Setup Phase
Client->>WebXRVisualization: initialize()
activate WebXRVisualization
WebXRVisualization->>WebSocket: connect()
WebSocket->>Server: establish connection
Server->>GPUCompute: initialize()
Server-->>Client: connection established
WebXRVisualization->>WebSocket: request initial data
WebSocket->>Server: getInitialData
Server->>GPUCompute: calculate_initial_layout()
GPUCompute-->>Server: initial positions
Server-->>Client: graph data + binary positions
WebXRVisualization->>NodeManager: initialize(graphData)
WebXRVisualization->>LayoutManager: initialize(graphData)
deactivate WebXRVisualization
Note over Client,GPUCompute: Real-time Position Update Flow (60fps)
Client->>WebXRVisualization: nodeDragged event
activate WebXRVisualization
WebXRVisualization->>NodeManager: updateNodePosition()
WebXRVisualization->>LayoutManager: handleNodeDrag()
alt Time since last update >= 16.67ms
LayoutManager->>LayoutManager: prepare binary position data
LayoutManager->>WebSocket: send binary position update
WebSocket->>Server: binary message
Server->>GPUCompute: update_positions(binary)
GPUCompute->>GPUCompute: validate positions
GPUCompute-->>Server: validated positions
Server->>Server: broadcast to other clients
Server-->>Client: binary position update
WebXRVisualization->>NodeManager: handleBinaryPositionUpdate()
NodeManager->>NodeManager: update visual positions
deactivate WebXRVisualization
Note over Client,GPUCompute: Continuous Physics Simulation
loop Every animation frame
GPUCompute->>GPUCompute: step()
GPUCompute-->>Server: new positions
Server-->>Client: binary position broadcast
WebXRVisualization->>NodeManager: updateNodePositions()
WebXRVisualization->>WebXRVisualization: render()
Ensure that the following dependencies are installed on your system:
- Rust (version 1.70 or later)
- Node.js (version 14 or later)
- Docker (for containerization)
- Git (for version control)
Clone the Repository:
git clone cd webxr-graph
Configure Environment Variables:
Create a
file in the root directory and populate it with your API keys and configurations.PERPLEXITY_API_KEY=your_perplexity_api_key GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=your_github_token RAGFLOW_API_KEY=your_ragflow_api_key RAGFLOW_API_BASE_URL=your_ragflow_base_url OPENAI_API_KEY=your_openai_api_key OPENAI_BASE_URL= TUNNEL_TOKEN=your_cloudflare_tunnel_token DOMAIN=your_domain_name
Note: Ensure that sensitive information like API keys is never hardcoded and is managed securely.
Update Configuration File:
Ensure that
is correctly configured with the necessary fields. Refer to the Settings Configuration section for details. -
Build the Rust Server:
cargo build --release
Run the Server Locally:
cargo run --release
Start the Client Application:
Navigate to the client directory and install dependencies.
cd client npm install npm start
Building and Running with Docker:
Ensure Docker is installed and running on your system.
Container Security Checklist:
- Containers running as non-root
- Read-only filesystem enabled
- Network properly isolated
- Resource limits enforced
- Health checks passing
- Proper logging configured
- Secure volume mounts
- Cloudflare tunnel active
File Permissions:
# Verify directory permissions
ls -la /app/data
# Check configuration files
ls -la /etc/logseq-security/
# Verify log permissions
ls -la /var/log/logseq-security/
- Network Security:
# Check network isolation
docker network inspect logseq-net
# Verify exposed ports
docker port logseqXR
- Regular Updates:
# Update security components
./ --update
# Rebuild with latest security patches
docker compose build --no-cache
- Monitoring:
# View security logs
journalctl -u security-monitor
# Check container health
docker compose ps
# Monitor resource usage
docker stats --format "table {{.Name}}\t{{.CPUPerc}}\t{{.MemUsage}}\t{{.NetIO}}"
[Rest of the README remains unchanged...]