Implementation of community-based graph embedding for user classification.
- Graph-based, multi-label user classification experiment demo.
- Implementation of the ARCTE (Absorbing Regularized Commute Times Embedding) algorithm for graph-based feature extraction.
- Implementation of other feature extraction methods for graphs (Laplacian Eigenmaps, Louvain, MROC).
- Evaluation score and time benchmarks.
- numpy
- scipy
- h5py
- scikit-learn
- Cython
- networkx
- python-louvain
To install for all users on Unix/Linux:
python3.4 build
sudo python3.4 install
- SNOW2014Graph dataset: Included anonymized in this project.
- The Arizona State University social computing data repository contains the ASU-Flickr and ASU-YouTube datasets.
- The Insight Project Resources repository contains the Multiview datasets in which the PoliticsUK dataset can be found.
- Implemented methods: ARCTE, BaseComm, LapEig, RepEig, Louvain, MROC.
- Other methods' implementations: LINE, DeepWalk, [EdgeCluster]( dimension.html), RWModMax, BigClam, OSLOM.
- Follow instructions on file: reveal_graph_embedding/experiments/
- If you installed the package, you will have an installed script called arcte.
- The source is located in reveal_graph_embedding/entry_points/
If you find this code useful and use it in your research, please acknowledge its use and cite the following paper: Rizos, G., Papadopoulos, S., & Kompatsiaris, Y. (2017). Multilabel user classification using the community structure of online networks. PloS one, 12(3), e0173347.