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A formal verification tool for Lending Pools. Final MSc Thesis project developed at DTU.


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A Maude simulator for Lending Pools

Lending Pools (LP) is a formal model of a subclass of Decentralised Finance applications deployed on Ethereum. It has been first formalised in SoK: Lending Pools in Decentralized Finance resulted from the joint effort of Università degli Studi di Cagliari (UniCa) and Technical University of Denmark. This tool provides a formal specification and discrete-event simulator of LP, supporting a number of analysis on the model:

  • reachability analysis;
  • LTL model checking on finite state-space;
  • statistical analysis*.

* The source of the statistical analysis, developed using MultiVeStA, is not available in this version of the software. This is due to the fact that the MultiVeStA source is not publicly available.

The tool usage and implementation are explained here.

Getting started

The LP model has been developed in Maude 3.0.

In order to run the Lending Pools simulator follow the instructions:

  1. download Maude 3.0 with Yices 2 (linux | MacOS)
  2. Execute:
cd <project_root>/maude-lp
unzip ~/Downloads/ -d $PWD/internals # you might need to change the name of the zip
mv ./internals/maude-Yices2.linux64 ./ && chmod +x maude-Yices2.linux64
export MAUDE_HOME=${PWD}
export MAUDE_LIB=${MAUDE_LIB}:${MAUDE_HOME}/internals 

Then, you should be welcomed by the following:

		   --- Welcome to Maude ---
	     Maude 3.0 built: Dec 16 2019 20:24:06
	     Copyright 1997-2019 SRI International
		   Tue Apr 20 10:54:26 2021

Finally just run:

  1. load run.maude

Note: run.maude contains a line to (un/)toggle tests. For (running/)stop running just (un/)comment the line load tests/unit.maude (unit tests) or load tests/suite.maude (unit and rules tests).

Note: A test is failing iff it returns false, so just search for "false" in the output of load run.maude when one of the lines triggering tests are untoggled.

Reproduce the thesis results

In order to reproduce the results in the thesis, please install java 11, follow the steps described in the Getting started and execute the additional ones below.

cd <project_root>/maude-lp
export MAUDE_BIN=maude-Yices2.linux64
tar -xvf LPMultivesta-1.0.0.tar
java -jar LPMultivesta-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar

The application will then output the following logs:

model: LendingPools
other parameters: --pc -1.0 --im SMC-INITIAL-CONFIGURATIONS --ic eth-usdc-10-3-1.1-0.1 --pe eth-usdc --cm 1.5 --rl 1.1
model arguments: 
formula: obsAtStep(i,x) = if ( s.rval("steps") == x )  then s.rval(i)  else # obsAtStep(i,x) fi ; eval parametric(E[ obsAtStep("1_COLLATERALIZATION",x) ],                  E[ obsAtStep("2_COLLATERALIZATION",x) ],                 E[ obsAtStep("3_COLLATERALIZATION",x) ],                  E[ obsAtStep("4_COLLATERALIZATION",x) ],                  E[ obsAtStep("5_COLLATERALIZATION",x) ],                  E[ obsAtStep("6_COLLATERALIZATION",x) ],                   E[ obsAtStep("7_COLLATERALIZATION",x) ],                   E[ obsAtStep("8_COLLATERALIZATION",x) ],                   E[ obsAtStep("9_COLLATERALIZATION",x) ],                   E[ obsAtStep("10_COLLATERALIZATION",x) ],                 x,1,1,91) ;
sims: 15
Class name of the StateEvaluator: NO-CLASS-NAME-PROVIDED
Class name of the StateDescriptor: dk.dtu.compute.lp.multivesta.LPState
sims: 15
Class name of the StateEvaluator: NO-CLASS-NAME-PROVIDED
Class name of the StateDescriptor: dk.dtu.compute.lp.multivesta.LPState
Server: Received all data from client. The model and the queries have been built.
Server: Running the simulation batches on demand... Please wait.
Server: Received all data from client. The model and the queries have been built.
Server: Running the simulation batches on demand... Please wait.
Simulation 1 completed
Simulation 1 completed

When the execution completes, results are stored in <project_root>/maude-lp/MultiVeStA_OUTPUT.


A formal verification tool for Lending Pools. Final MSc Thesis project developed at DTU.







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