Materials for AnExLearningSummit2023
Polina Tikhonova, Graduate Research Assistant, The Pennsylvania State University
Link to the .ipynb with a rendered plotly graphs.
The main goal of this workshop is to learn, how we can use plotly library, to construct various types of plots and perform initial descriptive analysis.
Department of Buildings (DoB) complaints dataset. The main dataset we use for the analysis, stored at the NYC Open Data Database (link). NYC Zip Codes. A dataset with geographical coordinates of zip code area boundaries, used for the complaints mapping, stored at the NYC Open Data Database (link)
- Maps
- Interactive plots
- Bar plots
- Line plots
- Scatter (marker) plots
- Boxplots
- Save in .html format
- Save in .jpg/png format
- Combining different types of plots
- Modifying plots hover descriptions
- Changing colors/line types and other visual parameters
pip install pandas os urllib json plotly datetime itertools sodapy sklearn geopandas requests zipfile io kaleido