Link to the Channel:
(Please see Notes section towards the end for references)
- Why study Algorithms? Role of Algorithms in the industry and research.
- Getting Started:
- Insertion Sort
- Analyzing Algorithms
- Designing Algorithms
- Asymptotic Analysis
- Introduction to Basic Data Structures: (to be discussed in detail later)
- Arrays
- Strings
- Stacks
- Queues
- Linked Lists
- Recursion:
- About Recursion
- Comparison with and without recursion (performance)
- Example: Binary Search and File Systems
- Analysis
- Maximum Recursive Depth (Python/C++)
- Linear Recursion, Binary Recursion, Multiple Recursion
- Eliminating Tail Recursion
- C++ inlining of recursion?
- Problems (LeetCode)
- Divide and Conquer Technique:
- Maximum subarray problem
- Strassen's algorithm for matrix multiplication
- Substitution method for solving recurrences
- Recursion Tree method for solving recurrences
- Proof of the master theorem
- LeetCode questions using D and C
- Sorting
- Basic sorting techniques:
- Bubble Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Merge Sort
- Heap Sort
- Heaps
- Building a heap
- Algorithm
- Priority Queues
- Usage, and questions on LeetCode
- Quick Sort
- About Quick Sort
- Performance of Quick Sort
- A randomized version of Quick Sort
- Analysis
- Linear Time Sorting
- Lower bounds for sorting
- Counting Sort
- Radix Sort
- Bucket Sort
- Which sorting to use, and when?
- Medians and other statistics
- Minimum and maximum
- Selection in expected linear time
- Selection in worst-case linear time
- Medians and other statistics
- Basic sorting techniques:
- Data Structures: Arrays
- Low-Level Arrays (Referential Arrays and Compact Arrays, Python)
- Dynamic Arrays and Amortization
- Implementing Dynamic Array
- Amortized Analysis of Dynamic Arrays
- Python: List Class
- Arrays vs STL Vectors (C++), Memory Allocation and Resizing
- Source Code walk through:
- Implementation of STL's vector class
- Efficiency of Python's List, and Tuple Classes
- Examples of using Arrays in Problem Solving
- Use of vectors/arrays in open source libraries
- Stacks:
- About Stack
- Implementations:
- Array-based
- Reversing Data using Stack
- Usage in matching patterns
- Usage in open source libraries:
- Usage in Chromium
- Usage in GTK Stack Switcher (GTK Library)
- Queues:
- About Queues
- Implementation:
- Array-based
- Double-Ended Queues
- About
- Implementing using a ciruclar array
- Dequeue in STL and Python
- Questions
- Usage in Open Source libraries
- Common questions for stacks and queues in problem solving (dedicated time)
- Linked Lists:
- Singly Linked Lists
- Implement Stack using Singly Linked List
- Implement Queue using Singly Linked List
- Circularly Linked Lists
- Round Robin Schedulers
- Implementing Queue using Circularly Linked List
- Doubly Linked Lists
- Basic Implementing
- Implementing Dequeue using Doubly Linked Lists
- Positional List Abstract Data Type (Python)
- About
- Doubly Linked List Implementation
- Sorting a Positional List
- Maintaining Access Frequencies
- Using sorted list
- Link-based vs Array-based sequeunces
- Questions
- Usage in Open Source Libraries:
- Chromium/Any other browser
- Singly Linked Lists
- Implementing Pointers and Objects
- Representing Rooted Trees
- Hash Tables:
- Direct-address tables
- Hash Tables
- Hash Functions
- Open addressing
- Perfect hashing
- Questions
- Trees
- General Trees
- About
- Computing Depth and Height
- Binary Trees
- Implementing Trees:
- Array-based
- Linked Structure for Binary and General Trees
- Tree Traversal Algorithms
- Preorder
- Postorder
- Inorder
- Breadth-First Tree Traversal
- Implementing Tree Traversals (C++ and Python)
- Applications Euler Tours and Template Method Pattern
- Questions
- Usage in Open Source Libraries:
- Tiling Window Manager
- General Trees
- Search Trees:
- Binary Search Trees
- About
- Querying a BST
- Insertion and Deletion
- Randomly built BST
- Balanced Search Trees
- AVL Trees
- Splay Trees
- (2, 4) Trees
- Red-Black Trees
- Properties
- Rotation, Insertion, Deletion
- Questions
- Usage in Open Source Libraries (TBD)
- Binary Search Trees
- Selection
- Prune and Search
- Randomized Quick Select
- Analyzing Randomized Quick Select
- Questions
- Usage
Syllabus for following topics will be decided soon as we start:
- Dynamic Programming
- Greedy Algorithms
- Amoritzed Analysis
- Advanced Data Structures:
- B-Trees
- Fibonacci Heaps
- van Emde Boas Trees
- Data Structures for Disjoint Sets
- Graph Algorithms
- BFS, DFS, Topological Sort, Strongly Connected Components
- Minimum Spanning Trees, Kruskal and Prim algorithms
- Single Source Shortest Paths:
- Bellman-Ford Algo
- Single-Source Shortest Paths in Directed Acyclic Graphs
- Dijkstra's Algorithm
- Difference constraints and shortest paths
- Proofs
- All-Pairs Shortest Paths
- Shortest Paths and Matrix Multiplication
- The Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
- Johnson's Algorithm for sparse graphs
- Maximum Flow
- Flow networks
- The Ford-Fulkerson Method
- Maximum bipartie matching
- Push-Relabel Algorithms
- Relabel to Front Algorithm
Once this is done, we'll cover:
- Multi-threaded Algorithms
- Dynamic Multi-threading
- Multi-Threaded Matrix Multiplication
- Multi-Threaded Merge Sort
- Matrix Operations
- Linear Programming (more on this later)
- Sparse Matrices
- Polynomials and FFT
- Number Theoretic Algorithms (cryptos and more)
- String Matching
- Computational Geometry (Convex Hull)
- Np-Completeness
- Approximation Algorithms
- Usage of Graphs in Compilers
- The syllabus is highly motivated from one of the best resources around:
- Introductiont o Algorithms (Third Edition) - Thomas H. Cormen et al
- Data Structures and Algorithms in Python (Wiley publications) - Goodrich et al
- Lots of questions will be discussed as we move along, the target is to be good in problem solving.
- Every time we go, we'll discuss use of a data structure or an algorithm in an open-source project.
This is going to be a huge series, and I'll appreciate if someone wants to collaborate in this. If you are curious, here is how you can collaborate:
- Join the discord channel:
- Follow the latest updates, and join us on the live streams.
- If you have a better solution to a problem we discussed before, let us know!
- If you want to come on the stream and talk about a topic, please share your profile with the admin team on discord, and I'll be more than happy to consider you for a guest session.
- If you want me to show-case your project on how you used a particular data structure or algorithm, you are most welcome to reach out to us.