batch .vmt
-> .shader
converter for MRVN-Radiant
Will not work for GtkRadiant OR NetRadiant! (unique .shader
Gets textures from Titanfall 1 / Titanfall: Online into MRVN-Radiant
You don't need this to compile maps, but it sure helps you see what you're doing
See MRVN-Resource-Pack for dev textures/
, shaders/
& models/
Uses VTFLibWrapper by Ganonmaster,
which provides python bindings for Nem's VTFLib
(also used by the SourceIO Blender addon)
See also:
- VTFCmd another batch tool
- panzi/VTFLib Linux VTFLib binaries
Clone this repo:
$ git clone
Install dependencies with pip
NOTE: Don't use Cygwin or MSYS2! Need Windows python to target VTFLib binaries
$ py -3.9 -m venv venv
$ call venv/scripts/activate
$ python -m pip --upgrade pip
$ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ python -m pip --upgrade pip
$ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
TODO: Download & compile panzi/VTFLib Linux binaries
TODO: Test
Substitute your own folders here:
$ python3 ".../Titanfall VPK dump/materials" ".../Level Editors/MRVN-Radiant/TitanfallOnline"
$ deactivate
is to close the virtual environment (venv)
- Convert specific mip / image size limit (for low filesizes & editor performance)
effects in.shader
- BlendModulate MRVN-Radiant will need to support this in the viewport
- Proxies & other procedural materials
- Water
- Normal & Specular maps
- Titanfall2 / Apex Legends
support- Physically Based Rendering in
- Physically Based Rendering in
- Image &
-> batch of.vmt
s (R1:O Asset Bakery) - Convert
textures .vtf
(R2 Asset Bakery)