Adds a new VIM mode that allows performing window operations (selecting,
moving, resizing...) quickly by removing the <C-w>
prefix from all the window
The Window mode is activated either by pressing <C-w>m
, or by using the
command :WindowMode
While the mode is active, all keypresses will act as being prefixed by the
mapping <C-w>
For example if you press j
and then K
the inputs VIM will receive will be
and <C-w>K
Pressing <ESC>
or <C-c>
will exit the Window Mode, returning to Normal Mode.
The digits 0
through 9
can be used, as in normal mode, to repeat commands.
The repeat mapping .
will repeat the last non-movement operation.
Add Plug 'mtdl9/vim-window-mode'
to your ~/.vimrc
and run PlugInstall
Add Plugin 'mtdl9/vim-window-mode'
to your ~/.vimrc
and run PluginInstall
$ git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vim-window-mode
Copy the contents of the plugin
folder in its respective ~/.vim/* counterpart.
This mode supports custom mappings after the <C-w>
prefix, for example you
can define some additional mappings in your .vimrc for switching/deleting
nnoremap <C-w>B :bnext<CR>
nnoremap <C-w>V :bprev<CR>
nnoremap <C-w>D :bdelete<CR>
This plugin defines a custom function window_mode#lightlineComponent
can be used in the Lightline plugin for defining a custom component.
This function will return 'WINDOW'
when Window Mode is enabled or an empty
string when it is not active.
This is an example of bare-bones Lightline configuration, where Window Mode will show an additional marker next to NORMAL (similar to the marker shown when PASTE is active)
let g:lightline = {}
let = {}
let = [
\ [ 'mode', 'paste', 'window_mode' ],
\ [ 'readonly', 'filename', 'modified' ],
let g:lightline.component_function = {
\ 'window_mode': 'window_mode#lightlineComponent',